First start tomcat, wait a bit, then start apache. try the url
<hostname>/webapp-info/ to see if the DEPLOYED is set to true in both cases.
If you start it the other way around or start apache to soon, only the
/webapp-info/ is set the true and the rest is set to false.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kemp Randy-W18971 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 3:51 PM
> Subject: Why I can't connect - part 2
> Can someone explain why I can't connect in Windows 2000 with
> Tomcat 4.01 and
> Apache 1.3.22?
> 1.  I am using all binaries, and I put and libapp.dll in
> Apache directory Modules.
> 2.  I put this entry in Tomcat server.xml after the EJB entry
> <Context path="/onjava" docBase="onjava" debug="0"
> reloadable="true" />
> 3.  I put this in Apache httpd.conf at the end
> <VirtualHost *>
>    ServerName localhost
>    WebAppConnection conn warp localhost:8080
>    WebAppDeploy examples conn /examples/
>    WebAppDeploy onjava conn /onjava/
>    WebAppInfo /webapp-info
>  </VirtualHost>
> Added following after commented out loadmods
> LoadModule webapp_module modules/
>     AddModule mod_webapp.c
> 4.  I put my war file in the tomcat webapps directory.
> 5.  I can bring up localhost and localhost:8080 OK.
> 6.  If I type localhost/onjava/, the following entry is in the
> Apache error
> logs: (both Apache and Tomcat are started)
> Fri Oct 19 12:41:00 2001] [error] [client] File does not exist:
> c:/program files/apache group/apache/htdocs/onjava
> [Fri Oct 19 12:41:44 2001] [error] Connection "conn" cannot connect
> [Fri Oct 19 12:41:44 2001] [error] Cannot open connection "conn"
> [Fri Oct 19 15:21:00 2001] [error] Web-application not yet deployed
> [Fri Oct 19 15:22:08 2001] [error] Web-application not yet deployed
> [Fri Oct 19 15:22:21 2001] [error] Web-application not yet deployed
> [Fri Oct 19 15:24:42 2001] [error] Cannot deploy application examples
> [Fri Oct 19 15:24:42 2001] [error] Cannot deploy application examples
> What could I be missing?

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