
Your HTTP Connector will default to 443 as the redirectPort.

You then also must have a HTTPS Conntector listening on 443 in the same
engine/service as the HTTP connector (i.e. the host must be accessible on

The redirectPort will be used if you have a <security-constraint> specified
in your webapps web.xml.

The security contraint can be set to CONFIDENTIAL - do a search on
<security-constraint> and CONFIIDENTIAL - you should get a number of results

Briefly a simple security constraint in the web.xml (at the end for my

                        <web-resource-name>HTTP Login SLL

Note - you can have multiple of those.  Hope that helps.



-----Original Message-----
From: Nishant Deshpande [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2004 7:48 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: http request sent to https port

I have https enabled on port 80.

If i request 'http://localhost/', it comes back with some errenous http
reply which my browser can't interpret (nor can wget).

On other web sites, I see that my http request gets redirected to https, but
seemingly on the same port.

Anyone know how this is done? i.e. am I being redirected to a different port
but its 'hidden' (i can redirect but can't hide the port), or being
redirected to the same port but for https (this i don't know how to do..)

i.e. to clarify:

i type in 'http://somewebsite/login'
and i go to 'https://somewebsite/login'

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