>I've looked through the JTC directories on the cvs server.  
>The documents
>directory has the how-tos and readmes that you and others have 
>written that
>got me as far as I am (before the rc=255 error).  In the
>/jk/native/apache-1.3 directory there are new makefiles for 
>linux and build
>files for Unix.

The docs came from tc 3.3, and will be updated as soon the 
tomcat documentation project will start.

>Do I understand you correctly to use this Makefile.linux 
>instead of the one
>from the Tomcat 3.2 source?  After my attempts with apxs only 
>got me so far
>I tried the Makefile.linux as per your instructions in the 
>how-to but got an
>error that apxs isn't in /sbin... which it's not, but I don't 
>know how to
>tell 'make' explicitly to go to APACHE_HOME/bin for apxs.  
>Should I just add
>a symbolic link to sbin?

You should use autoconf.
./configure -- (check options)
cd apache-1.3
make -f Makefile.apxs

>I'm obviously in over my head here being a newbie... but I'd 
>like to fix
>that by learning why the apxs command looks like it all but 
>just finishes
>building mod_jk before barfing.
>Thanks again!
>on 7/10/01 9:18 AM, GOMEZ Henri at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Sorry,
>> jakarta-tomcat-connectors, tomcat sub-project focusing
>> on mod_jk/mod_webapp :)
>> Access it via cvs
>> -
>> Henri Gomez                 ___[_]____
>> EMAIL : [EMAIL PROTECTED]        (. .)
>> PGP KEY : 697ECEDD    ...oOOo..(_)..oOOo...
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