Your assumption is incorrect. When the session is created it will follow the value set 
in your web.xml but in this case, after session creation you modify its timeout 
attribute to be higher. This will only apply to sessions that go through this servlet, 


-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Charles Huey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 15 July 2004 22:44
To: Tomcat User
Subject: session timeout: web.xml and setMaxInactiveInterval(int)

My web.xml has the following:


However, when a user logs in, the following code in our app gets

      HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);

I've been fiddling with the web.xml and didn't realize that other code
was in there, and I'm wondering who trumps who.  I would assume that the
web.xml's global setting would have priority over any individual
setting, but it could easily be the other way around!  


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