In my experience (admittedly Win2000/AIX) if you are using JDBC than
datasources are irrelevant.  
The jsp will need to have details of your driver etc so that it can find the
I'm assuming your jdbc.jar is a valid jdbc driver for Access (ODBC-JDBC
>> '(unknown)' is not a valid path. << // the jsp has no idea where to find
your database.
>> [ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] << // is this correct? ODBC?

Being able to connect to your DSN via ODBC is not the same as being able to
make a JDBC connection.
I have Tomcat/Jetspeed working with JDBC/DB2 - though I had nightmares
getting it to work.  Good luck.

James Radvan
Websphere Analyst/Architect
London, UK
+44 7990 624899

-----Original Message-----
From: Gabriel Marti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 29 June 2001 02:36
Subject: somewhat closer to proper tomcat operation


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