I working with tomcat 4.0.1, each request on my apache send an http 
header 302 (Moved Temporarly)
When browsers request a url without a filename, such as 
http://www.xxxx.net/ web servers typically have some form of default 
page to serve, any seasoned web surfer will be familiar with the 
immortal index.html. Tomcat like most web servers has this option, the 
so called welcome page as defined in the servlet 2.3 specification. 
However, Tomcat does not internally redirect this request, it sends a 
HTTP 302 redirect which is a response header telling the browser the 
document has been temporarily moved. To most users, this occurs 
transparently as the browser requests the redirected page.

My problem is :
This feature has significance when viewed in context with search 
engines, when confronted with a HTTP 302 response they generally will 
terminate the indexing of your site

Where can y find a patch or a configuration to resolve this ...
Tanks in advance

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