Hi guys,

In the server.xml file, I've created a context for my web application. I've
put there that reloadable=true. I read that this should assure that my JSP
source files are version-checked every time they are requested, and
recompiled if the version that is there is newer than the compiled version
that I've got stored. This is my context declaration:

         <Host name="www.sunsear.mad">
             <Context path=""
                 reloadable="true" >

However, this does not seem to do much of anything, since I am forced to
restart Tomcat everytime I have changed something in my JSP's. Am I missing
or misunderstanding something? 

I'm running SUSE linux 7.0 with apache 1.3.12 and tomcat 3.2.2 using mod_jk
as my connector between apache and tomcat.

Please tell me whether or not it is possible at all to do what I want, since
it's quite annoying to have to reboot Tomcat all the time. Thanks in

Martin van Dijken

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