I'm having a similar problem!  I have one web page containing a
<jsp:plugin> for an applet. If served from Tomcat 4.0.5, loads fine in
all browsers but if served from Tomcat 4.1.12, it won't see a parameter
in Mozilla 1.0/1.1/Netscape 6.2.  In IE 6, it's okay.  Moreover, the
generated HTML *looks* the same in all cases.

Has anyone else seen this?

On Wed, 2002-10-02 at 15:19, Gustavo Vegas wrote:
> Hello again,
>     Ok, this is getting a little weird. I have been using mozilla (1.1 
> and 1.0) to display the pages that I am having problems with. I tried 
> using IE (6.X) on a different box, and the problem goes away! This is 
> bizarre. Is there any connection as to how a given request from a 
> browser may break this connection?
Thad Humphries              "...no religious test shall ever be required
Web Development Manager      as a qualification to any office or public
Phone: 540/675-3015, x225    trust under the United States." -Article VI

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