Ok, I'm sorry if this is a basic question, but I'm new to this environment.  
I've tried to find the answer elsewhere, but can't.  I'm not sure if this is 
a Forte, PointBase, or Tomcat issue.

I downloaded Sun's Forte IDE and worked through the first part of a tutorial 
to create the CD Shopping Cart application using JSPs to access a PointBase 
Db.  (I'm using JDBC & SQL, not Tranparent Persistence, or JDOs.)  It works 
fine in the IDE, but I want to deploy it outside of the IDE in my own, stand 
alone Tomcat server.  The HTML and non-database JSPages work fine there too, 
but when I try to run a JSP that access the PointBase Db it can't connect to 
the database.  Part of the error message is below:


Root cause:
        at org.netbeans.jsptags.db.ConnectionTag.doStartTag(ConnectionTag.java:228)

ConnectionSource is in dbtags.jar, which is in my WAR file and under 
[TOMCATDIR]\webapps\CDShopCart\WEB-INF\lib.  Why do I get a 
NoClassDefFoundError.  If it finds other org/netbeans/jsptags/db classes 
(doStartTag, otherDoStartTagOperatiions, and findConnectionHandler) that are 
all part of dbtags.jar, then it should find ConnectionSource.  Do I have to 
do something to make my Pointbase Db available to Tomcat?

I'm confused and frustrated.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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