
I have installed Apache + mod_ssl successfully in Windows NT server and also
installed Tomcat standalone correctly.  I can't configure Tomcat to talk to
Apache using mod_jk.  After several tries and lots of searching, it is still
not successfull.

I decided to set up Tomcat with Direct SSL and have generated a keystore and
a certificate, added a connector in server.xml to handle ssl connections.
Starting tomcat correctly establishes the correct connction handlers for
normal http and for ssl (port 8443).

But if I try to start up a https session using https://localhost:8443
I get : IOException in:  400 R( /) Socket closed.

I noticed that others are having the same problem, but I can't locate the
solutions or suggestions anywhere in the archive.

Could anybody offer any suggestions or help, please ?

I also noticed that if I change the "true" in clientAuth (in server.xml) to
"false", I am able to use https://localhost:8443.  But what is the good if I
can't authenticate the users ?

Best Regards,
Chai Hong

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