I have 2 errors in my catalina.out that I'm trying to chase down, and for both I've about come up with zero in terms of figuring out what's causing them and/or how to "fix" them. I'd appreciate ANY ideas/suggestions/comments!

The first is of the form

Mar 22, 2004 8:38:32 AM runIt
SEVERE: Remote Host / SocketException: Invalid argument

This one shows up somewhat sporadically - some days there will be several, other days, none.

The second looks like

StandardWrapperValve[uPortal]: Servlet.service() for servlet uPortal threw exception
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NullPointerException
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerHandlerImpl.endDocument(
at org.jasig.portal.utils.SAX2FilterImpl.endDocument(
at org.jasig.portal.utils.SAX2BufferImpl.outputBuffer(
at org.jasig.portal.UserInstance.renderState(
at org.jasig.portal.UserInstance.writeContent(
at org.jasig.portal.PortalSessionManager.doGet(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
[...] (I can give you the full trace, but it's long and ugly - I think you get the idea here)

Now, I know this one has something to do with the XML parser and probably the stylesheet used - something that's passed is null for some reason, and as far as the program is concerned, it shouldn't be. What could cause this? I get this error from our production system - I'm running the same version of Tomcat (5.0.16) on a development system as well, and the error never shows up there. I have the same versions of XML parsers on both boxes - the .class files in them that are used in the stack trace (like TransformerImpl) are the same on both systems (yes, I checked.). I'd really like to get this fixed - the server appears to start-up fine, with no errors listed.

Thanks for any feedback!!
Lynn Hollerman.

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