
For the benefit of any other Solaris 7 x86 user, I was successful in 
compiling and using mod_webapp on this archictecture.   In the hopes of 
saving an other from wasting time scratching their heads, The following is 
a brief listing of the experience.

        started with a working stand alone version of tomcat 4.0.1
        built Apache 1.3.22 from source with enable-module=rewrite and 
        downloaded and built newer version of gcc (gcc 2.95.3)

        downloaded the source jakarta-tomcat-connectors from the cvs 
        downloaded the apache APR source from http://apr.apache.org

        cd to jakarta-tomcat-connectors/webapp
        ./configure --with-apr=/someplace/apr  \
                --with-apxs=/apachedirectory/bin/apxs \

        **First time I tried this, I set my --with-apxs= to point at the 
apache directory,  which
        did not seem to build a correct make file.  Subsequently, I set 
--with-apxs= to point exactly to 
        apxs and it seemed to work.

        copied webapp/apache-1.3/mod_webapp.so to /apache 

        Modified /apache directory/conf/httpd to include the lines
                LoadModule webapp_module libexec/mod_webapp.so
                AddModule mod_webapp.c

        and tried the command 
                /apache directory/bin/apachectl configtest. 

        ****This resulted in the unhappy error message: 
                Syntax error on line 209: /apache dir/conf/httpd.conf:
         Can not load /apache dir/libexec/mod_webapp.so into server 
ld.so.1: ... 
        fatal relocation error ... mod_webapp.so: symbol --divdi3: 
referenced symbol not found.

        After a bunch of head scratching  and googling-
        Saw an email on this listing from David Cracauer about pulling 
apart libgcc.a

        found libgcc.a from the newly built gcc 2.95.3 and copied it to a 
temp directory:

        mkdir tmpjnk
        cp libgcc.a tmpjnk
        cd tmpjnk
        ar x libgcc.a
        gcc -fpic -shared -o libgcc.so *.o 
                this should create a shared library
        export LD_PRELOAD=/some where/tmpjnk/libgcc.so

        /apache directory/bin/apachectl configtest  which resulted in 
        **I set  LD_PRELOAD just for testing this
        Probably you will want to put the libgcc.so somewhere like 
/usr/local/lib and be sure that 
        LD_LIBRARY_PATH points to it 

        Hope that this helps somebody.


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