I have managed to get Tomcat 4.0.1 and Apache 1.3.20 working nicely on my
Windows box... but Apache is only passing requests to Tomcat as directed by
the WebAppDeploy directives in httpd.conf, e.g.:

WebAppConnection conn  warp test.panoguide.com:8008
WebAppDeploy  examples conn /examples/

How do I instruct Apache to pass through all *.jsp requests to Tomcat too
but leave all other files (e.g. *.jpg, *.gif) handled by Apache?   Using
mod_jk it is easy to do this kind of selective mapping, such as:

JkMount /*.jsp ajp12

Is there some syntactic equivalent when using mod_webapp and Tomcat 4, or
should I use mod_jk instead and forget mod_webapp???

Thanks for any help, pointers advice etc...


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