Hello All,

I'm a total newbie to this stuff, but I think I have an easy question
for everyone...

I'm trying to get Tomcat 5 to use Basic Authentication using a JNDI
Realm to our corporate LDAP server.  Our server allows read access on
port 389 and bind access on port 989.  

Here's the issue.  If I set the port to 389 and restart Tomcat, the logs
appear to connect ok, and my web.xml configuration must be right because
I get prompted for a login/password by the browser. But, it fails
because I'm on port 989.  Naturally, I change the port to 989, but I can
no longer anonymously bind so the context never gets loaded.  Here's my
realm config:

<Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm" debug="99"

Net, is there anyway to specify a connection port and a bind port?  I
can't find it anywhere.  I know it's not a password/digest/ldap server
issue because a wrote a test class with my ID & Password set and was
able to authenticate without an issue to port 989...

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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