For a week we have attempted to implement a replacement for our current Java 
environment and have experienced mixed results. It has been decided that Tomcat 5 will 
be evaluated as a replacement solution but so far we have not been able to get a 
successful configuration.

Tomcat 5 Configuration For Microsoft Windows 2000 Server / IIS 5

March 24, 2004 16:00 CST

1. Microsoft IIS is used as the web server and is currently configured to host 
multiple web sites from one (1) IP address. Macromedia's JRun 3.0 and JDK 1.4 are 
currently supporting all Java requirements. The server is currently configured with 
eight (8) Java web applications and this is expected to grow to twelve (12) over the 
next ten (10) months. 
2. Tomcat 5 has been installed and runs as a Windows service. The server.xml file has 
been modified so that the management console loads when the server IP address:8080 is 
entered into the browser address bar. All default examples work from both the server 
IP address:8080/servlet-examples and server IP address/servlet-examples.
3. The isapi_redirector2.dll has been downloaded and configured with IIS at the root 
server level. The Windows registry has been modified accordingly to reflect the 
necessary entries required to identify the location and path of the 
isapi_redirector2.dll. It is already understood that each web application will require 
a IIS virtual directory named "jakarta" that points to the isapi_redirector2.dll 
4. Two environment variables have been configured: JAVA_HOME - JDK installation 
directory and CATALINA_BASE - Tomcat 5 installation directory. 
5. All web application content resides outside of the Tomcat folder structure.

1. Provide a working server.xml file that will allow multiple web applications to 
function independently from each other. Example:,,, etc...  It is NOT desired to have one host configuration with 
multiple web application context entries. Example,, etc....
2. If possible, provide a configuration that allows the addition of new web 
applications with having to restart the entire Apache Tomcat service.
3. Provide a working file with the necessary configuration entries 
to support multiple web applications as specified in REQUIREMENTS, item 1.
4. To be considered successful, the provided example documents should allow current 
web applications to function correctly within Tomcat 5 by replacing the example 
information with actual site information.

1. To be considered please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with your estimated date of 
delivery and fee.
2. Contact number for additional information: 816-719-5713
3. Current server.xml, and registry scripts are available upon 

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