Hi, does anyone else have the problem with iis redirect???
i made some really wierd experiance with isapi redirect.
i got it to work on my server NT4 sp5 but if some one requestet an
JAVA Applet from IIS it stopped to work.
i installed several versions of ISAPI redirect.
in all versions green arrows in IIS where up and Tomcat where working fine.
the latest version works only for one request, after that nothing more is
redirected by isapi_redirect.
i traced everything i could but without a solution since there is no output.
when i recomiled a debug version of isapi_redirect.dll on my workstaion
there i could see
this errormessage (it says an unexpected exception occured in Kerner32.dll):

Der HTTP-Server ist bei der Verarbeitung der ISAPI-Anwendung '
 + 0x31313131
isapi_redirect + 0x10D80
isapi_redirect + 0x2A71
isapi_redirect + 0x1ABA
isapi_redirect + 0x71A9
 + 0x688971B1
 + 0x68897E33
 + 0x68C2063A
 + 0x68C1F911
 + 0x68C10EDA
 + 0x68C10E4A
 + 0x68C177B1
 + 0x68C0A20E
 + 0x68C09DF1
 + 0x68C09D89
 + 0x6862471E
 + 0x6862493B
KERNEL32!lstrcmpiW + 0xBE
' auf eine unerwartete Ausnahme gestoßen.

So my question is does someone know how to replace the kernel32.dll
with the current (which is be used by the system?).
i mean without using a registered version of ntfsdos?
or does someone think if i install the MS Visual Studio on the server it
will solve the problem?
(cause i can compile the dll there?)


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