Under Tomcat 5.0.19 I had a logger statement in my application context
that created a log file. This log file contained, among other things, a
line each time a user successfully/unsuccessfully logged in, similar to:
  2005-02-20 07:09:20 JDBCRealm[/stars]: Username xxx successfully
  2005-02-20 07:09:20 JDBCRealm[/stars]: Username xxx NOT successfully

I understand that under Tomcat 5.5.7 much of the logging is now handled
by commons-logging and log4j. Is there still a way to get the above
information? I have enabled logging using the instructions in the Tomcat
documentation at
but do not really get what I am looking for (maybe I do not know what
specific logger statements to put in).

Thanks - Richard

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