Hi Sarel,
regarding the jvm settings you might want to look at 
from http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/faq/windows.html. I havent tried the 
utility myself but has modified the parameters in the Windows registry. To 
do that add/change relevant paremeters in HKEY_LOCAL _MACHINE -> SYSTEM -> 
CurrentControlSet --> Services -> Apache-Tomcat -> Parameters (using TC 
4.1 though...)

The syntax in your case is then -Xms128m -Xmx1024m.

As yoy say DB connections cannot be reset I would make sure the used 
connections are being returned to the connection pool or in case you are 
not using a pool being closed properly - and then ASAP use connection 
pooling instead.

Anyway I would till consider upgrade both the JVM and Tomcat.

Last I should note am not that Tomcat savy so perhaps some of the more 
experienced folks in here would shed some light upon this issue...

Best regards Thomas

jerome moliere <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
26-11-03 11:48
Besvar venligst til "Tomcat Users List"

        Til:    Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Vedr.:  Re: TOMCAT 3.3 crash daily

Sarel Bester wrote:

>Hi all
>I have an app running on the following config:
>- Windows 2000 Advanced server (Dual PIII 1GHz CPU with 4GB RAM)
>- IIS 5
>- Tomcat 3.3 (NOT 3.3.x)
>- ISAPI redirector 1.2 (size = 128K)
>- JDK 1.3.1_09
>- Oracle 8.1.7
>Tomcat is locking up almost everyday.  Log files show a lot of bad DB
>connections that cannot be reset.  The app that I deployed gets connected 
>by about 130 - 140 users at peak times (which doesn't really seem to be 
>Some advice that I received (not in the Tocat user forum) is the 
following :
>A)  Confirm that TC uses "Server" version of JVM.  (I presume this is the
>jvm.dll in the JAVA_HOME\JRE\BIN\SERVER folder?)
>I found the following line in the workers.properties :
>I changed it to :
>Is this the correct place to make TC 3.3 use "Server" version of JVM?
oops, there's a more trivial way for getting the JVM use server option, 
that is to say give the -server option to the java program while 
invoking (see your scripts catalina.bat)

>B) Set memory parameters -Xms and - Xmx to allocate TC more memory.
>I am not sure where to do this . . .:-0
>I have seen in this forum previously that someone said it must be 
>in the "start parameters" in the General Tab screen of the Tomcat Service
>properties.  Is it possible to specify these parameters in the
>wrapper.properties file (which seem to be used by the Tomcat service for
>What is the correct place to do this?  Even registry perhaps . . . ?
>Is this exact syntax correct for the Windows OS?  -Xms128 -Xmx1024
like for your first question this is not a directly related question 
about tomcat but a question regarding howto setup/tune options to your 
java -help will give you any details...

>I am not very experienced in using Tomcat and is hesitant to Upgrade to, 
>, 4.1x.  But if you reckon it maybe a better alternative, I will 
I can't recommand you enough to look for JVM configurations tricks & to
ask about changing your JVM. I think that BEA Jrockit or latest JVM from 
Sun could be good solutions...
Note that with BEA JVM the -option is deprecated , so leaving the 
default parameter (jrockit) is a good choice

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