I've run into a /very/ sporatic problem and was wondering if anyone has had a similar problem (Tomcat 5.0.19).

I have a servlet that reads the query string from HttpServletRequest (ie. HttpServletRequest.getQueryString()). Occasionally it seems to get an old version. This only occurs at the beginning of a new session and only happens once per session. After the first error, everything seems ok. However, it does not occur at the beginning of every session. Most of the time it doesn't happen. Whether or not Tomcat has just been restarted does not seem to matter.

I've tested this servlet with the same version of Tomcat on two systems, a SuSE 9.1 system with Java build 1.4.2-b2 and a Redhat 9.0 system (which has slower hardware) with Java build 1.4.2_02-b03. The error only occurs on the Redhat system. I am /not/ suggesting that the problem has anything to do with Redhat (that seems extraordinarily unlikely) or the different Java builds (which also seems extraordinarily unlikely).

If you've had a similar experience or any thoughts about what might be going on, please let me know.



PS I have session serialization turned off.

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