I've searched through the list archives, and I've seen a lot of questions
but few answers to this issue..
I'm trying to implement virtual hosts on a linux server (RH7.2) using apache
2.0 with tomcat 4.1.10 and mod_jk2 (utilizing AF_UNIX sockets), without
getting into url rewriting.  I've seen some posts reference Apache
directives like JkUriSet, but haven't been able to find documentation for
these directives (in reference to jk2 other than the apache jk2 docs).

Ideally, it would be nice if a request to domainX.com would use context A
and domainY.com would use context B...  Has anybody implemented this?  The
only alternative I can think of is to use mod_rewrite on the Apache side.

Thanks in advance.

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