How are you packaging it?  Are you putting it in a certain context, or
How are you trying to view it?  Through Port 8080, or through a web
It seems that your web.xml is consistent within itself.  Where are you
putting the compiled .class file in your web app's directory structure?

Jeff Tulley  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Novell, Inc., the leading provider of Net business solutions 

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3/19/03 12:26:18 PM >>>

It's very good indeed to be back in your "midst" again, and believe me,
I will try hard to "mind my manners" and try to use this list for the
most knowledgeable insight that I can posssibly get about how to execute
certain jsp's/servlets with the Tomcat web container!!

Case in point: I am having problems with trying to see this
"" servlet of mine. It just flat doesn't show up in my
browser when I try to look at it, sad to say. It is just the most simple
and basic servlet, so it shouldn't be too much of a "big deal" to
correct whatever problem it has, so I could then see it. I naturally
have attached it to my posting, and again, it's good to be back "in your
good graces" again. 

p.s.: excuse my absolute ignorance about how servlet creation is done
successfully, but I was wondering if I possibly need a HTML file to go
along with this servlet as a helper file.

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