I am using htdig software in a linux system which has
both apache and tomcat4.0.5. I have a cgi program
htsearch located in my
/usr/tomcat405/webapps/ROOT/cgi-bin. I have followed
the instructions for configuring tomcat to run cgi ie.
$CATALINA_BASE/server/lib/servlets-cgi.renameto to
$CATALINA_BASE/server/lib/servlets-cgi.jar and also
uncommenting servlet and servlet mapping configuration
in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/web.xml.
When I run the program in the browser I get a page
full of junk. The htdig program "rundig" had
successfully indexed the required directory earlier.
The htsearch program is supposed to return all the
occurrences of a particular string. I am not getting
any error as such but only a set of junk characters.
Could somebody please help me?

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