Hi all,
Does anybody know how to override a servlet context defined in
server.xml with the one defined in web.xml?  Please help....
According to Tomcat 5.x document, the context for a servlet, say
myservlet, can be specified in both TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml and in
The following Context in server.xml
<Context path="/myservlet" reloadable="true"  >
     <Environment name="somename" value="666" type="java.lang.String"
is equivalent to the following in web.xml
The document says that if override="true", <env-entry-value> in web.xml
will override Environment value in server.xml.
I tried in my project and it does not work.
The code I Use to retrieve the context is something like
InitialContext lContext = new InitialContext();
String lValue = (String) lContext.lookup("java:comp/env/somename");
The problem is: lValue is always 666 while it should be 888 according to
the spec 
Can anybody help?
Thank you in advance.

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