Dear tomcat:

I am currently experience a difficulty set up the environment for my tomcat run as nt 
service under iis.
i down load the tomcat 4.0.4, and i install it correctly with iis. i put the webapps 
root under the iis root directory. i am encounter a problem when i import a class into 
my jsp page. i know my classpath is not right. tomcat can't my class. can you help me 
find out where should i put my class files?  
here is part of my server.xml

<Host name="localhost" debug="0" appBase="..\webs" unpackWARs="true">
where ..\webs is the root for my iis,

        <Context path="/geomemory" docBase="geomemory" debug="0"
                 reloadable="true" crossContext="true"/>
and geomemory is a sub directory under ..\webs

thank you


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