Hi I am tryin to make apache 1.3.12 talk with Tomcat 3.2.2 on Sun
Solaris 2.8 using mod_jk.so

I have installed apache in my user directory with a port setting on 5000
under dir name "webb"
I have installe tomcat in a separate  folder under dir name "tomcat"
I had an executable mod_jk.so so I put that in the libexec directory.
tHen I changed the server.xml in tomcat/conf so Configure tomcat with
Apj13connectionHandler on port 8009
I also changed the workers.properties in tomcat  according to teh
I also comented the connection tag of the serverxml as I am going to use
tomcat with Apache so I do not need its port number.
the tomcat as a stamdalone starts up fine with  no glitches...
Then I included the mod_jk.conf-auto file in apache's httpd.conf file.
Now when I start apache it does not start up  and the following error

Syntax error on line 207 of /users/sch12038/webb/conf/httpd.conf:
Invalid command 'LoadModule', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module
not included in the server configuration
apachectl start: httpd could not be started

I checked the manuals and docs but could not find a way out of this
Please help me...
How do I make apache recognise that tomcat is there listening for jsp
files etc...
and if i can... then can i set a port number for tomcat to listen to and
set that in some apache config file..?


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