I'm wondering if tomcat has a feature that allows runtime compilation to be turned off and on without restarting a webapp.
Here's why I think it would be a great feature:

I've really wanted to be able to switch off runtime compilation on my tomcat servers, but every once in a while I find it really useful to have runtime compilation be on so that I can make a small change to one or two .jsp files.

There are definite pros to having runtime compilation off:
Issues with memory don't seem to creep up as much.
The webapps run faster since they don't have to check whether things need to be compiled (small slow-down)
The webapps run faster because they don't have to compile code (takes a while sometimes)

There are also definite pros to having runtime compilation on:
No need to restart entire webapp for small changes.
That means that the webapp is more easily kept available which is very important on some sites.

It would be great if one could leave it off most of the time, until a jsp change is made. Then switch it on, request that jsp, and switch it back off.
So, I'm wondering if tomcat has a feature that allows runtime compilation to be turned off and on without restarting a webapp.

I guess this question probably boils down to what access the specs allow for outside access to running webapps. For example, how does the tomcat /manager application know how many sessions a running webapp has? Also what process does it follow when the reload command is ran?
I suppose that I just need to know whether a webapp is available during a reload application. Maybe I should look into that? If I could just change the runtime compilation value in my web.xml and then run the reload command, that might be an option.

However, it takes my applications around a minute to either shutdown or startup, so that would mean two minutes of downtime if all a reload does is stop and wait until it is down and then start again, which is what I'm betting that it does. That would mean that my webapps cacheing, etc. would have to start from scratch... :-( and a big performance hit would occur just to make a small change.

Thanks for listening!
Daniel Gibby

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