I must be missing something crucial.

I am playing around with Tomcat and Apache and I am reading the Tomcat User
I copied and pasted the examples on how to write a tomcat-apache
configuration file
I still can not get the ApJServMount command to work properly.
In the document it says
ApJServMount URI protocol://host:port/context

which would mean anything that gets sent to your URI will be proxied
So for example
ApJServMount /cgi-bin ajpv12://localhost:8007/examples
should redirect any request that comes in to /cgi-bin to Tomcat examples.

This works fine using the ProxyPass command but I can't get the context to
redirect properly

below is my configuration file, and everything works except for the last
APJServMount command for cgi-bin,
any ideas or clarification on the ApJServMount directive would be a great
deal of help


#                     Apache JServ Configuration File

 LoadModule jserv_module modules/ApacheModuleJServ.dll

<IfModule mod_jserv.c>
# Do not edit!
ApJServManual on
ApJServDefaultProtocol ajpv12
ApJServMountCopy on
ApJServLogLevel notice

ApJServDefaultHost localhost
ApJServDefaultPort 8007

AddType text/jsp .jsp
AddHandler jserv-servlet .jsp

Alias /examples D:\Apache\jakarta-tomcat\webapps\examples
<Directory "D:\Apache\jakarta-tomcat\webapps\examples">
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        Options -Indexes
        DirectoryIndex index.html

<Location /examples/WEB-INF>
        AllowOverride None
        deny from all

ApJServMount /examples/servlet /examples

#Why doesn't this one work?
ApJServMount /cgi-bin ajpv12://localhost:8007/examples


Filip Hanik
Technical Architect
Pakana Corporation
415-371 9200 ext 3529

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