Re: R: HELP! iSaSiLk 3.04 and Tomcat4

2002-07-01 Thread TMotte
Sorry, I'm the one who sent you down this trail, but am at a loss for ideas. don't recall having any such problems. You might scan the reference guide, it's extremely detailed: This mentions some of the stuff about

Re: dynamic VM parameters

2002-07-01 Thread TMotte
check out the CATALINA_OPTS environment variable dude. Peake, Chris

RE: Tomcat, Linux and new JDK

2002-07-10 Thread TMotte
Not to provoke you further : ) but I thought Linux didn't have threads, and that's why they show up as processes - they are processes. However I think it was also the case that the memory used is shared, so if you show twelve java processes using 64MB apiece, it's really only 64MB being used.

Re: Cannot use bean from jsp, but servlet ok. I'm dying!

2002-07-11 Thread TMotte
seems like a name conflict - both the class and the variable are named FormBean. i would suggest using id=myFormBean and %=myFormBean.getUserName()%

Re: Cannot use bean from jsp, but servlet ok. I'm dying!

2002-07-11 Thread TMotte
You could try replacing the usebean tag with a scriptlet and see what that does... % FormBean Bean=new FormBean(); % You would also need an import tag before this to import your package. I forget that syntax but you can look it up. Another suggestion... use the jspc compiler to generate an cygwin

2002-05-01 Thread TMotte
Greetings: Am using a the latest build of tomcat 4.0 on Win2K. Just started working with tomcat today, pardon my lack of familiarity. I changed the file as follows to get it to work under cygwin (very recent version as well) because of minor bugs in the shell code. I would like

jsp's do not compile

2002-05-10 Thread TMotte
I cannot get tomcat to recompile jsp's after I change them. I have tried the 4.1 alpha nightly build as well as 4.0.3. I know this is supposed to work... Is there some special parameter I should be configuring or something? I've searched the docs. Troy -- To unsubscribe, e-mail:

Re: jsp's do not compile

2002-05-10 Thread TMotte
Thanks for the suggestion, but even killing the explorer process doesn't help. On 4.1 I was able to get the jsp to recompile by telling the manager to reload (actually used the new ant reload taskdef in 4.1). I would try to do this on 4.0.3, but for some reason the admin/manager whatever it is

Re: jsp's do not compile

2002-05-10 Thread TMotte
My own understanding is that for servlets other java classes, yes, you need to use the manager application to reload them, and I can get that to work on 4.1; but I thought that JSP's are supposed to automatically recompile. Am I wrong? Can somebody confirm? I've noticed a lot of

Re: jsp's do not compile

2002-05-10 Thread TMotte
Wait, wait, wait, wait, I am stupid. Sorry. I got confused between my multiple installations. JSP's reload quite nicely now on 4.0.3. 4.1 has a problem though... will feed that to bugzilla. But I can't get 4.0.3's manager to come up, don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Re: Tomcat, mod_jk and Apache...again!

2002-05-10 Thread TMotte
Personally, I would like to have the choice to put my jsp/html/images etc. somewhere besides the tomcat installation directory. It's just one less hassle to deal with when you're upgrading tomcat.

Re: How to end a JSP

2002-05-15 Thread TMotte
Since nobody else answered, not sure but I would think a simple return; as placed would do what you want. troy Adam Pfeiffer

Re: Heap Size for Tomcat

2002-05-16 Thread TMotte
my understanding is that any parameters you pass to bin/startup.bat or bin/ on the command line will be passed through to the java vm, such as mx128m or -D property=something .

Re: Heap Size for Tomcat

2002-05-16 Thread TMotte
Well, yeah except he wants to get more memory... and wouldn't setting the XXXOPTS variable set the heap size not just for startup but also shutdown? In other words, this way you could get tomcat to start with 512mb of heap, but if you call shutdown.bat/, the shutdown vm grabs its

Re: reloadable=true not working--- problems with reloading servl ets

2002-05-17 Thread TMotte
Just my two cents, but I never have developers work on the same server instance. You can run multiple tomcat instances on the same server, or you can run one on each developer workstation (what I usually do). The whole reason I'm using tomcat is because it's free and lightweight enough to deploy

RE: Heap size (or something) [correction!]

2002-05-17 Thread TMotte
i deleted the message, but somebody was asking about how to specify heap size in the params to tomcat, and i said you could probably pass such as a param to startup.bat/ - not true. command line arguments are passed through to the actual tomcat invocation, but *after* the classname,

RE: Answer: Reloading classes WITHOUT using (newbiesshould read)

2002-06-05 Thread TMotte
This reloadable parameter has been the real crux of all the discussion. It seems like there's at least five postings a week asking I set reloadable =true but it still doesn't reload my classes. I'm not sure I've ever heard a reliable answer concerning this... most people seem to think it just

RE: Help! I am so stuck. Tomcat NT credential

2002-06-06 Thread TMotte
I think you most likely will need a COM-Java bridge. For example: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: guys not responding

2002-06-07 Thread TMotte
If you haven't done so, you need to config your WEB-INF/web.xml. Read the docs for such. Sample below (may be buggy) servlet servlet-nameMyExample/servlet-name run-as descriptionSecurity role for

Re: Storing Java Objects in SQL

2002-06-12 Thread TMotte
Given the volume of stuff on this list, there might be a more appropriate forum for sql ms stuff elsewhere. Anyhow, you might have better luck with Statement.setBinaryStream() and an ObjectInputStream.

Re: How can I map all requests to a single servlet?

2002-06-12 Thread TMotte
Ummm I *think* you can do this to the app's web.xml: servlet-mapping servlet-nameMainServlet/servlet-name url-pattern/url-pattern /servlet-mapping HTH

RE: A performance issue about Apache/Tomcat on NT.

2002-06-14 Thread TMotte
Is it possible that the problem could be in your servlet/jsp application code, not in tomcat/apache/nt? What does the app do? Bing Zhang

Re: Tomcat 4.1/4.0 manager application

2002-06-14 Thread TMotte
My understanding is that everything you see from Install is a feature, not a bug. It's a bit strange, but that's what it's spec'd out to do. The difference with Deploy is that it installs the app permanently. Not sure about how to upload the file through the manager web application. I know you

Java 1.4 io classes

2002-06-20 Thread TMotte
I am wondering if Tomcat soon will make (or already has made) use of new io classes in Java 1.4 such as java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel? Supposedly all this gives you non-blocking i/o that will be much more scalable than old thread-oriented blocking i/o, but I dunno if it's truly applicable

Repost: Java 1.4 io classes

2002-06-25 Thread TMotte
Okay, I'll give this question one more shot..., then I'll assume the answer is No. I am wondering if Tomcat soon will make (or already has made) use of new io classes in Java 1.4 such as java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel? Supposedly all this gives you non-blocking i/o that will be much