Re: Informix connection pooling via JNDI resource

2002-03-21 Thread Lev Assinovsky

Current connection pool (Tyrex) provides just straight connections.
Try  DBCP. It's not released yet but works.
You need three subprojects: collections, pool, and dbcp. All are under 
commons. Take nightly builds (collections is released) and put all three
jars into $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib.
In Jndi resource for your pool add:

The next question is where are going to create pool.
To share connections you need something with application scope.
I use bean with scope=application.
As soon you destroy your datasource you lose your connection pool. 
 Does anybody have experience with jakarta-tomcat-4.0.2 and connection pooling
 setup as a jndi resource (server.xml) for Informix DB (vIDS2000)
 I use the informix jdbc driver (ifxjdbc.jar).
 In fact everything works, I get no errors, except that the application keeps
 opening and closing the database connectinos which is not the meaning of
 connection pooling.
 I didn't experience this behaviour with the same config and application for eg
 Oracle, My Sql ... so I think it isn't the configuration.
 did anyone manage to setup a working connection pooling for informix via jndi
 resource, or experienced the same problems?
 Erwin Ravau
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Re: NEWBIE: Passing object from Servlet to JSP with session?

2002-03-20 Thread Lev Assinovsky

Bean should have one constractor without papameters.
Besides if you setup new directory (the place where you made it is for
new application)
you should I think put into server.xml the same staff as for examples:

!-- Tomcat Examples Context --
Context path=/examples docBase=examples debug=0
 reloadable=true crossContext=true

Ernst Bekker wrote:
 I am running TomCat 4, and am attempting to forward an object to a JSP from
 a servlet.
 I have set up a new directory under .../webapps and the class files for both
 the servlet
 and the class of which I am trying to send an instance of are in .../
 The JSP file is in .../webapps/newdir.
 It seems that the servlet forwards the request but the JSP coughs up the
 following exception:
 The Exception:
 org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
 An error occurred between lines: 11 and 13 in the jsp file:
 Generated servlet error:
 C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0.2\work\localhost\rd\SessionAtempt$ Class
 org.apache.jsp.MyClass not found.
 MyClass sessionvars = null;
 Code snippets:
 Servlet: Constructing the object:
 MyClass sessionvars = new MyClass (parm1, parm2, parm3, parmn);
 HttpSession ses = req.getSession(true);
 ses.setAttribute(Sessionvars, sessionvars);
 Servlet Sending the class:
 public void GoToPage(String addy, HttpServletRequest req,
 HttpServletResponse res)
 throws ServletException, IOException
 RequestDispatcher disp =
 disp.forward(req, res);
 jsp:useBean id=sessionvars
  class= MyClass 
  scope=session /
 Any direction would be greatly appreciated
 Ernst Bekker  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Coding Clerk  +27 +11 489 4147
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Re: Deployment from directories not under webapps

2002-03-20 Thread Lev Assinovsky

You are right! app-dir/WEB-INF/lib is the right place, but for some
some classes can't find anything in the jar.
THat's why I put my application jar into $CATALINA_HOME/lib.

Yuval Levav wrote:
 I put the jars in WEB-INF\lib. In them are my servlets and classes they
 use. In the log I
 see that the WebClassLoader deploys all the jars to the correct place, but
 the ContextConfig can't
 find them. In web.xml I declared the servlets and their class
 ( which can be found
 in the jar.
 I have to work this way due to historic reasons 
 Do you know what is wrong and what can be done ?
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 4:42 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: RE: Deployment from directories not under webapps
 Yuval Levav [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 03/19/2002 01:09:22 AM
 Please respond to Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To:   Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:  RE: Deployment from directories not under webapps
 Thanks. My apps make use of JARs and classes that are not located under
 docBase\WEB-INF\lib or classes.
 When using tomcat 3,I added these through the classpath.
 Here it seems that the JARs must be under WEB-INF.
 Is there any way to use JARs and classes not under WEB-INF ?
 You could. But things could get pretty messy when the application grows and
 you have a heck lot of classes. Keeping track of classes and their loading
 could be a pain. Tomcat 4.0.x takes care of this for you.
 * Unpacked classes that you need visible to *only* a particular webapp go
 under that webapps WEB-INF/classes folder. jar files go under
 webapp/WEB-INF/lib folder
 * Unpacked classes common to all webapps should be placed under
 %CATALINA_HOME%/classes and common jar files under the %CATALINA_HOME%/lib
 And if you still wish to set the classpath then see
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 7:22 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Deployment from directories not under webapps
 Yes. See docBase attribute of the Context.../ element in server.xml
 Yuval Levav [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 03/18/2002 11:10:06 AM
 Please respond to Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To:   Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:  Deployment from directories not under webapps
Is it possible to deploy apps from directories not under the
 directory ?
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Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
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Re: NEWBIE: Passing object from Servlet to JSP with session?

2002-03-20 Thread Lev Assinovsky

You have to put into your JSP:
%@ page import = mysubdir.MyClass %
before jsp:useBean...
assuming that MyClass is in newdir/WEB-INF/classes/mysubdir.

Ernst Bekker wrote:
 Bean should have one constractor without papameters.
 It does have that.
 Besides if you setup new directory (the place where you made it is for
 new application)
 The Context is set up.
 What am I still missing?
 Ernst Bekker wrote:
  I am running TomCat 4, and am attempting to forward an object to a JSP
  a servlet.
  I have set up a new directory under .../webapps and the class files for
  the servlet
  and the class of which I am trying to send an instance of are in .../
  The JSP file is in .../webapps/newdir.
  It seems that the servlet forwards the request but the JSP coughs up the
  following exception:
  The Exception:
  org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
  An error occurred between lines: 11 and 13 in the jsp file:
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Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
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Re: DataSources in Tomcat 4 / Windows XP

2002-03-20 Thread Lev Assinovsky

Is Oracle driver ( visible to Tomcat.
I had to modify (in Linux) script to add driver's path to
the internal
CLASSPATH used by catalina. 

Martin Miranda wrote:
 Im having problems creating a DataSource in a StandAlone Tomcat 4.0.1
 with Windows XP. The InitialContext find the DataSource but it cames
 This is the Code:
 InitialContext ctxinit = new InitialContext();
 %= ctxinit.lookup(java:/comp/env/jdbc/testDB) %  NULL

You get EnabledDataSource instance above so you have to cast.
May it's be better like this:
% DataSource ds = (DataSource)
ctxinit.lookup(java:/comp/env/jdbc/testDB) %
%= ds %

Also all examples doing this way:
Context ctx  = new InitialContext();
Context envCtx = (Context)ctx.lookup(java:comp/env);
ds = (DataSource)envCtx.lookup(jdbc/testDB);

Try that just in case.

So your case must work!!
Though I don't advise you to use EnabledDataSource (Tyrex stuff) for
production - it doesn't provide
connection pool.
Use commons/dbcp.
I tested it - it works fine (besides Tomcat 4.0.4-b1 - nothing work

 In the web application deployment descriptor (web.xml) i have this code:
 descriptionResource reference to a factory for java.sql.Connection
 instances that may be used for talking to a particular database that is
 configured in the server.xml file./description
 In the server.xml file:
 Context path=/test docBase=test/ debug=1 privileged=true
 reloadable=true useNaming=true
 Resource name=jdbc/testDB auth=Container
 type=javax.sql.DataSource description=Default Database for
 Applications /
 ResourceParams name=jdbc/testDB
 When i use debug level 1 in the context the logs seems normal:
 XmlMapper: org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.setSessionTimeout(
 XmlMapper: org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.addMimeMapping(
 html, text/html)
 XmlMapper: org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.addMimeMapping( txt,
 XmlMapper: org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.addWelcomeFile(
 XmlMapper: org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.addWelcomeFile(
 XmlMapper: new null org.apache.catalina.deploy.ContextResource
 resource-ref ContextResource[name=null, scope=Shareable]
 XmlMapper: org.apache.catalina.deploy.ContextResource.setDescription(
 Resource reference to a factory for java.sql.Connection instances that
 may be used for talking to a particular database that is configured in
 the server.xml file.)
 XmlMapper: org.apache.catalina.deploy.ContextResource.setName(
 XmlMapper: org.apache.catalina.deploy.ContextResource.setType(
 XmlMapper: org.apache.catalina.deploy.ContextResource.setAuth(
 XmlMapper: Calling org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.addResource
 ContextResource[name=jdbc/testDB, description=Resource reference to a
 factory for java.sql.Connection instances that may be used for talking
 to a particular database that is configured in the server.xml file.,
 type=javax.sql.DataSource, auth=Container, scope=Shareable]
 XmlMapper: pop resource-ref org.apache.catalina.deploy.ContextResource:
 ContextResource[name=jdbc/testDB, description=Resource reference to a
 factory for java.sql.Connection instances that may be used for talking
 to a particular database that is configured in the server.xml file.,
 type=javax.sql.DataSource, auth=Container, scope=Shareable]
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Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
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Re: question about tomcat configuration

2002-03-19 Thread Lev Assinovsky

Just keep in mind, 
the performance of  pair Apache-Tomcat few times less then of standalone
You can verify this using 'ab'.

Christopher Bare wrote:
 --- Cheng Yan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi, all,
  I just installed tomcat 4.0 binary on my Solaris 8
  box at home. This Solaris
  machine is connected to my w2k pc through a linksys
  router, which is
  connected to a cable modem.
 I'm a beginner, but we have very similar setups, so
 maybe we can help each other. I have Solaris8 on a DSL
 router. I'm trying to use Tomcat4, apache1.3, with
 Have you tried to set up a connector with apache?
 There are two that I know of, mod_jk and mod_webapp. I
 am using mod_webapp, but am having probablems, so I'm
 thinking of switching.
 Have you tried integrating Tomcat with Apache yet, or
 are you just using tomcat by itself? I have Tomcat
 working by itself and mostly working with Apache via
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Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
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Re: Pls Help!! Uploading an image

2002-03-05 Thread Lev Assinovsky

Try UploadBean from
It's very easy for use in JSP.
An exapmple is also there.

Uma Maheswar wrote:

 I tried using O'Reilly, but it is confusing. I need a simple one than that
 one. Can you help me?


 - Original Message -
 To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 2:34 AM
 Subject: Re: Pls Help!! Uploading an image

  The O'Reilly servlets book has a good example (including
  code) where you can
  upload files (including images as part of a form).
  arser.html for more info.
  Hope this helps.
  Satyakant Evani
  - Original Message -
  From: Uma Maheswar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 10:49 AM
  Subject: Pls Help!! Uploading an image
  I need help from any of you. I need a programme to
  upload an image to the
  database while submitting a form. If any one is having
  the source code pls
  help  me.
   nope i am using tomcat from my user area ..
   both tomcat and apache run from my user area
   there is some problem with a particular .so file which it is not able to
   -Original Message-
   From: brian ally [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 11:04 PM
   To: Tomcat Users List
   Subject: Re: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no ocijdbc8 in shared
   library path
   Are you starting tomcat as root? On my linux box, if i su to root, all
   manner of LD_LIBRARY_PATH problems begin. i need to su - (with the
   dash). Could this be your problem?
   Abhishek Pamecha wrote:
   it is there..
   -Original Message-
   From: Toru Watanabe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 2:34 PM
   To: Tomcat Users List
   Subject: Re: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no ocijdbc8 in shared
   library path
   First, please make sure that Oracle client is installed
   in your machine.
   Abhishek Thanks buddy!
   Abhishek but ..i already did that
   Abhishek but i have a a requirement which says i have to use oci
   Abhishek any other solution ???
   UnsatisfiedLinkError means JVM can't find shared library.
   You need to add shared library path to environment variable.
   If you use solaris or linux, then you should add following
   statement in your
   if you use HP-UX, then
   export SHLIB_PATH
   if you use Windows, then you should add following to tomcat.bat.
   set PATH=%ORACLE_HOME%\lib;%PATH%
   then it will be able to find shared library.
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Re: JSP documentation

2002-03-05 Thread Lev Assinovsky
explains syntax of all JSP tags (like %=).

Ming wrote:


 I'm very new at Tomcat and JSP programming but have written some JSP scripts.
 Can someone tell me what's the best way to write in-program
 documentation? I mean the documentation that can be embedded in the program.
 I'm planning to write a separate documentation but heard that there might be a
 way that I can embed the documentation in the program and can be viewed

 Any information will be really helpful.



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Re: Setting up jdbc connections

2002-03-05 Thread Lev Assinovsky

Here is how I install mysql JDBC.
1. In server.xml (no need realm):
  Resource name=lev/DataSource auth=Container
  ResourceParams name=lev/DataSource
parameternameuser/namevalue.../value/parameter !--
your login --

parameternamepassword/namevalue.../value/parameter!-- your
passwd --

2. In $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/examples/WEB-INF/web.xml:


3. In yout JSP or Bean:
 Context ctx  = new InitialContext();
 Context envCtx = (Context)ctx.lookup(java:comp/env);
 DataSource _ds = (DataSource)envCtx.lookup(lev/DataSource);
 Connection con _ds.getConnection();
 Statement st = con.createStatement(...);
 ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(select * from bla_bla);

JNDI will create instance of your DataSource (with automatic connection).
But you have to have tyrex*.jar in one of common dirs.
If not I advise you to switch to Tomcat 4.0.x.
Also you must put your (Postgres) JDBC jar into $CATALINA_HOME/lib
Good luck.

Andrew Falanga wrote:

 Hello everyone,

 Setting up Tomcat is NO easy project.  I've been struggling for
 about a week and a half to get tomcat to read a special
 servlet/application/I really don't know what to call it.
  (Unfortunately, that's my biggest problem, I'm very unfamiliar with
 things I'm playing around with right now.)

 Ok, in simplest terms possible here's the deal.  I'm trying to get a
 working model of something my company calls a portal.  Basically, it's
 nothing more than a product that will allow a person to use *.jsp
 rendered web pages to access/control/manipulate data contained withing
 Oracle databases.  This is the long term.  Right now, I need to get the
 application working to allow someone to log in.  The database which
 controls user access is NOT part of Oracle.  It is a PostgreSQL database.

 How, exactly, do I setup the JDBC stuff to interact with PostgreSQL?
  I've been reading through the users guide, the paper on server.xml and
 the FAQ.  The information is comprehensive, I do think lacking in some
 parts, but none-the-less comprehensive.  (I do not mean to start flame
 wars or anything else.  However, for example, I downloaded and installed
 tomcat 3.3a via rpm for Red Hat Linux, the rpm was made by tomcat
 developers not red hat.  After installing, I'm reading through the users
 guide and there are several directories meantioned that DO NOT exist.
  Such as, %TOMCAT_HOME/bin and many others.  This is what I mean by

 How exactly am I going to go about setting up the database
 connectivity?  From what I've read, I've got to configure some kind of a
 JDBC Realm in the server.xml, but how exactly.  I did try, following the
 syntax example given in one of the user guide documents, but after
 restarting tomcat, tomcat was broken.  Absolutely, nothing was being
 served up.  I did make syntax substitutions to allow for my database vs.
 the database given in the example, and yes I'm absolutely open to the
 fact that my syntax was wrong.  Basically, what needs to be done?  I'm
 really nearing the end of my rope on this one.


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Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
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Who uses connection pool?

2002-03-05 Thread Lev Assinovsky

Could you tell me please,
does anybody successfully use database connection pool?

Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
ProgrammerSt. Petersburg, Russia
Tel/Fax: +7 812 3275343   197022 ul.Chapigina 7Á

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Re: Who uses connection pool?

2002-03-05 Thread Lev Assinovsky

I already looked in there.
I was confused that their pool is for GSP.
Tomcat uses Tyrex by default. How about that?

Reynir H?bner wrote:

 check out, that´s a fine place to start.

 -hope it helps

  -Original Message-
  From: Lev Assinovsky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 5. mars 2002 09:09
  To: 'Tomcat Users List'
  Subject: Who uses connection pool?
  Could you tell me please,
  does anybody successfully use database connection pool?
  Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
  ProgrammerSt. Petersburg, Russia
  Tel/Fax: +7 812 3275343   197022 ul.Chapigina 7а
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Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
ProgrammerSt. Petersburg, Russia
Tel/Fax: +7 812 3275343   197022 ul.Chapigina 7Á

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Re: Who uses connection pool?

2002-03-05 Thread Lev Assinovsky

I am not sure Tyrex's connection pool really works.
Do you use JNDI when you work with bitmechanics staff?
If yes could you please show me that?

Reynir Hubner wrote:

 yeah you can use that one, it is good, and you have docs on it in the
 jakarta website.

 Bitmechanics pool is not only for GSP. I've never used GSP, but I have
 used the JDBC-pool alot.
 it's good for most drivers, I've only had problems using it with DB2

 hope it helps,

  -Original Message-
  From: Lev Assinovsky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 5. mars 2002 09:37
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: Re: Who uses connection pool?
  I already looked in there.
  I was confused that their pool is for GSP.
  Tomcat uses Tyrex by default. How about that?
  Reynir H?bner wrote:
   check out, thats a fine place to start.
   -hope it helps
-Original Message-
From: Lev Assinovsky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 5. mars 2002 09:09
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: Who uses connection pool?
Could you tell me please,
does anybody successfully use database connection pool?
Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
ProgrammerSt. Petersburg, Russia
Tel/Fax: +7 812 3275343   197022 ul.Chapigina 7Ё
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  Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
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Re: don't found packages...

2002-03-05 Thread Lev Assinovsky

You should provide JAVA_HOME environment variable pointed
to your Java SDK.

cyril vidal wrote:


 I'm a new french user of Apache Tomcat/4.0.3.
 The installation was successfull!
 But not the compilation of my first HelloWorld servlet.
 The compilator does not found the right classes like javax.servlet, 
javax.servlet.http and  so  although I'well configurated my classpath like SET 
 What do you think it's wrong? By the way, I'm under Windows Milllenium.

 Thanks a lot for you answers

Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
ProgrammerSt. Petersburg, Russia
Tel/Fax: +7 812 3275343   197022 ul.Chapigina 7Á

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Re: Who uses connection pool?

2002-03-05 Thread Lev Assinovsky

Andrew, I found the following in Tyrex mailing archive:

- cut here -

Re: [tyrex-dev] JDBC Pool Size in Tomcat 4.0

 Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2001 13:07:46 -0700
 From: arkin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [tyrex-dev] JDBC Pool Size in Tomcat 4.0

The connection you get from getConnection() is always a new connection.
This is a logical connection, and the driver is required to always give
a new logical connection when getConnection() is called.

Tyrex obtains a physical connection by calling a different
getConnection() method on a PooledConnectionDataSource. This returns a
PooledConnection, from which any number of logical connections can be
obtained without opening a new network connection.

The driver must support the PooledConnectionDataSource or XADataSource
interfaces, and must implement them in such a way that opening a new
logical connection does not open a new physical connection.

We are using Oracle 8i, Sybase 12.5 and DB2 7.1 and experiencing no


 cut here --

So they say that everything depends on your database,
however I found pool related staff in the tyrex source code.
Also I am surprised that people in this mailing list don't response.
Though I am sure (of my experience) the real work is impossible without
connection pool!

Andrew Rodwell wrote:


 I have this impression also of Tyrex. Every servlet seems to be a new pool.
 Is that your experiance. Each time the servlet runs a new connection.


 -Original Message-
 From: Lev Assinovsky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 05 March 2002 10:53
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Who uses connection pool?

 I am not sure Tyrex's connection pool really works.
 Do you use JNDI when you work with bitmechanics staff?
 If yes could you please show me that?

 Reynir Hubner wrote:

  yeah you can use that one, it is good, and you have docs on it in the
  jakarta website.
  Bitmechanics pool is not only for GSP. I've never used GSP, but I have
  used the JDBC-pool alot.
  it's good for most drivers, I've only had problems using it with DB2
  hope it helps,
   -Original Message-
   From: Lev Assinovsky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: 5. mars 2002 09:37
   To: Tomcat Users List
   Subject: Re: Who uses connection pool?
   I already looked in there.
   I was confused that their pool is for GSP.
   Tomcat uses Tyrex by default. How about that?
   Reynir H?bner wrote:
check out, thats a fine place to start.
-hope it helps
 -Original Message-
 From: Lev Assinovsky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 5. mars 2002 09:09
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: Who uses connection pool?

 Could you tell me please,
 does anybody successfully use database connection pool?

 Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
 ProgrammerSt. Petersburg, Russia
 Tel/Fax: +7 812 3275343   197022 ul.Chapigina 7Ё

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   Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
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 Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
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Re: Who uses connection pool?

2002-03-05 Thread Lev Assinovsky

Which one?
Jim Urban wrote:

 We do.

 Jim Urban
 Product Manager
 Netsteps Inc.
 Suite 505E
 1 Pierce Pl.
 Itasca, IL  60143
 Voice:  (630) 250-3045 x2164
 Fax:  (630) 250-3046

  -Original Message-
  Of Lev Assinovsky
  Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 3:09 AM
  To: 'Tomcat Users List'
  Subject: Who uses connection pool?
  Could you tell me please,
  does anybody successfully use database connection pool?
  Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
  ProgrammerSt. Petersburg, Russia
  Tel/Fax: +7 812 3275343   197022 ul.Chapigina 7Á
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Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
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Re: Who uses connection pool?

2002-03-05 Thread Lev Assinovsky

I followed your link and found out that example in there is slightly
incorrect. Identifier dataSrc is not declared.
Besides Tyrex people acknowledged that if your database doesn't support pooling
then all you have is tyrex EnabledDataSource class without pool support.
I personally is waiting for tyrex-1.0.

King-On Yeung wrote:

 yes, i do.

 follow suggestion:

 it works for JNDI + postgesql .

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Re: Who uses connection pool?

2002-03-05 Thread Lev Assinovsky

Good! I just found out that  ConnectionPoolDataSource is not properly
implemented in tyrex stuff (Tyrex people acknowledged that).
Did  you hardcode pool instance creation or found a way when JNDI do that?

Jim Urban wrote:


  -Original Message-
  Of Lev Assinovsky
  Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 7:47 AM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: Re: Who uses connection pool?
  Which one?
  Jim Urban wrote:
   We do.
   Jim Urban
   Product Manager
   Netsteps Inc.
   Suite 505E
   1 Pierce Pl.
   Itasca, IL  60143
   Voice:  (630) 250-3045 x2164
   Fax:  (630) 250-3046
-Original Message-
Of Lev Assinovsky
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 3:09 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: Who uses connection pool?
Could you tell me please,
does anybody successfully use database connection pool?
Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
ProgrammerSt. Petersburg, Russia
Tel/Fax: +7 812 3275343   197022 ul.Chapigina 7Á
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  Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
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Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
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Re: Please help me

2002-03-05 Thread Lev Assinovsky

Seems, you need to modify script to add
all .jar under $JAVA_HOME/lib to class path, which is passed to
java. To do that you need to understand shell. doesn't use CLASSPATH environment variable.


 Hi all,

 I'm an italian student: for my thesis I have to install Tomcat on a sun
 machine with solaris 8 because I have to do some experiments.
 I have tried to install Tomcat 3.3a but when I type ./ for
 starting tomcat I get this error:

 Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/ap

 I have followed all the instructions: TOMCAT_HOME is set, JAVA_HOME is
 set and I exported them.

 I can't understand the error: where is my error?

 Please help me.

 Thanks for your help


Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
ProgrammerSt. Petersburg, Russia
Tel/Fax: +7 812 3275343   197022 ul.Chapigina 7Á

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Re: Who uses connection pool?

2002-03-05 Thread Lev Assinovsky

Yes, you are partially right.
The last post to their mailing list of one of the Tyrex developers was around
November, 20.

Julio Castillo wrote:

 I checked the website for an updated Tyrex, and noticed in their
 Change Log that the last version released was 0.9.7 which is more than a
 year old. I wonder if anyone is working on the 1.0 version.

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Lev
 Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 6:59 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Who uses connection pool?

 I followed your link and found out that example in there is slightly
 incorrect. Identifier dataSrc is not declared.
 Besides Tyrex people acknowledged that if your database doesn't support
 then all you have is tyrex EnabledDataSource class without pool support.
 I personally is waiting for tyrex-1.0.

 King-On Yeung wrote:

  yes, i do.
  follow suggestion:
  it works for JNDI + postgesql .
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 Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
 ProgrammerSt. Petersburg, Russia
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Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Tomcat 4.0.4 Beta 1 released

2002-03-05 Thread Lev Assinovsky

If you still use Tyrex stuff for ConnectionPoolDataSource implementation
I have to tell you:
1. Tyrex classes don't provide pooling.
2. Something happened in - no activity in developer's mailing list.
3. The last release was more then year ago,

Remy Maucherat wrote:

 The first beta release of Tomcat 4.0.4 has been released. This release
 includes bugfixes and small feature additions over Tomcat 4.0.2/4.0.3
 (please refer to the release notes for the complete list).

 Release notes:

 Downloads (source and binaries):


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Re: Who uses connection pool?

2002-03-05 Thread Lev Assinovsky

Could you send me your latest server.xml fragment.
Connection pool should work as a simple connection.

Mark Muffett wrote:

 Done that, but it still doesn't work (I'm also trying JNDI + postgresql).
 Could you point us to a sample server.xml entry for postgres? (or anything
 else needed)


 Mark Muffett

 - Original Message -
 From: King-On Yeung [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 1:50 PM
 Subject: RE: Who uses connection pool?

  yes, i do.
  follow suggestion:
  it works for JNDI + postgesql .
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Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
ProgrammerSt. Petersburg, Russia
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Re: Who uses connection pool?

2002-03-05 Thread Lev Assinovsky

Jim, that's fine!
But how to provide the same through JNDI to be free of
particular DB?

Jim Urban wrote:

 Here are some code fragments from our servlet (we use a single dispatcher

 public void init(ServletConfig iConfig) throws ServletException

 private void initializeDbConnectionBroker(ServletConfig iConfig)
 String dbDriver = getInitParameter(DB_DRIVER);
 String dbName = getInitParameter(DB_NAME);
 String dbUser = getInitParameter(DB_USER);
 String dbPassword = getInitParameter(DB_PSWD);
 String logfile = getInitParameter(DB_LOG_FILE);
 int initConn = new 
 int maxConn = new Integer(getInitParameter(DB_MAXCONN)).intValue();
 int connTimeOut = new
 double maxConnTime = new
 logMessage(Initializing DB connection pool.);
 ConnectionPool.initialize(dbDriver, dbName, dbUser, 
dbPassword, logfile,
 initConn, maxConn, connTimeOut , 
 logMessage(DB connection pool initialized.);
 catch (Exception e)
 logException(e, this);
 logMessage(ConnectionPool.init error:   + e.toString());

 public class ConnectionPool extends Object
 private static DbConnectionBroker myBroker = null;
 private static int connTimeOut = 0;

 public static void initialize(String DBDriver, String DBName, String
 DBUser, String DBPsWd,
   String Logfile, int initConn, int maxConn, int 
iConnTimeOut, double
   throws IOException
 if (DBDriver != null  DBDriver.length()  0)
 myBroker = new DbConnectionBroker(DBDriver, DBName, DBUser, 
  maxConn, Logfile, 
 connTimeOut = iConnTimeOut;

 public static synchronized DbConnectionBroker getBroker()
 return myBroker;

 public static synchronized void shutDown()
 catch(SQLException e){}


  -Original Message-
  Of Lev Assinovsky
  Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 9:10 AM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: Re: Who uses connection pool?
  Good! I just found out that  ConnectionPoolDataSource is not properly
  implemented in tyrex stuff (Tyrex people acknowledged that).
  Did  you hardcode pool instance creation or found a way when JNDI do that?
  Jim Urban wrote:
-Original Message-
Of Lev Assinovsky
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 7:47 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Who uses connection pool?
Which one?
Jim Urban wrote:
 We do.

 Jim Urban
 Product Manager
 Netsteps Inc.
 Suite 505E
 1 Pierce Pl.
 Itasca, IL  60143
 Voice:  (630) 250-3045 x2164
 Fax:  (630) 250-3046

  -Original Message-
  Of Lev Assinovsky
  Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 3:09 AM
  To: 'Tomcat Users List'
  Subject: Who uses connection pool?
  Could you tell me please,
  does anybody successfully use database connection pool?
  Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
  ProgrammerSt. Petersburg, Russia
  Tel/Fax: +7 812 3275343   197022 ul.Chapigina 7Á
  To unsubscribe:
  For additional commands:
  Troubles with the list:

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 Troubles with the list:
Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web

Re: DB Connection Pool

2002-03-05 Thread Lev Assinovsky

Why? Jim, are you the owner of this mailing list?
Jim Urban wrote:

  If anyone is currently using a third-part pool that they are well
  pleased with, I would greatly appreciate that information too.

 We just finished this discussion.  Please check the archive.

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Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
ProgrammerSt. Petersburg, Russia
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Re: DB Connection Pool

2002-03-05 Thread Lev Assinovsky

No, Emir!
Sorry, I don't agree with you.
1. My post is not off topic
2. I spent few weeks working on the problem before my first post was done.
3. We discovered that the problem isn't that simple.
4. The famous book Professional JSP doesn't recommend to use any custom
   pooling classes, as Jim advises.
5. We still didn't hear Tomcat/JDBC guru


Emir Alikadic wrote:

 On 03/05/2002 02:59 PM, Lev Assinovsky wrote:

  Why? Jim, are you the owner of this mailing list?

 Actually, Lev, Jim is right: it's an established etiquette of public
 mailing lists to first search for an answer in the existing
 documentation before posting a question on the list.  One of the venues
 of information is the list archive - never aske a question that was
 sufficiently discussed previously.

 Eric Raymond wrote a very nice document on asking questions on mailing
 lists and USENET, and it's available at (pay particular
 attention to Before you ask section).  This document is actually
 linked from the mailing list subscription page on, which you were supposed to
 have read before you joined this list.  You did read the instructions
 through, right?

 Remember: this is a public mailing list for an Open Source Software - we
 are all stakeholders, not just the list operators.

  Jim Urban wrote:
  If anyone is currently using a third-part pool that they are well
  pleased with, I would greatly appreciate that information too.
  We just finished this discussion. Please check the archive.

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Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
ProgrammerSt. Petersburg, Russia
Tel/Fax: +7 812 3275343   197022 ul.Chapigina 7Á

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Re: DB Connection Pool

2002-03-05 Thread Lev Assinovsky

Reynir Hubner wrote:


 Using connection pools with tomcat or any other J2EE app server or even
 with most Java programs is really simple.
 many are free, for example :
 - offer JDBC connection pool for free, you only need
 to write a startup servlet that suits your style.
 - CodeStudio offers poolman for free, available from
 - tyrex jdbc connection pool mechanism comes with Tomcat as explained :
 Many of the comercial JDBC 2.0 drivers also offer connection pooling,
 sometimes more optimized than the generic solutions (above).

 I guess because Tyrex-connection pooling is provided with tomcat your
 post was probably not off topic. The problem IS simple, solve it and you
 become one of the Tomcat/JDBC gurus.

 while (lev.hasMoreQuestions())

Good joke! Really!
Lev breaks out of the loop.
Have a good rest!


  -Original Message-
  From: Lev Assinovsky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 5. mars 2002 20:46
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: Re: DB Connection Pool
  No, Emir!
  Sorry, I don't agree with you.
  1. My post is not off topic
  2. I spent few weeks working on the problem before my first
  post was done.
  3. We discovered that the problem isn't that simple.
  4. The famous book Professional JSP doesn't recommend to
  use any custom
 pooling classes, as Jim advises.
  5. We still didn't hear Tomcat/JDBC guru
  Emir Alikadic wrote:
   On 03/05/2002 02:59 PM, Lev Assinovsky wrote:
Why? Jim, are you the owner of this mailing list?
   Actually, Lev, Jim is right: it's an established etiquette of public
   mailing lists to first search for an answer in the existing
   documentation before posting a question on the list.  One
  of the venues
   of information is the list archive - never aske a question that was
   sufficiently discussed previously.
   Eric Raymond wrote a very nice document on asking questions
  on mailing
   lists and USENET, and it's available at (pay particular
   attention to Before you ask section).  This document is actually
   linked from the mailing list subscription page on, which you were supposed to
   have read before you joined this list.  You did read the
   through, right?
   Remember: this is a public mailing list for an Open Source
  Software - we
   are all stakeholders, not just the list operators.
Jim Urban wrote:
If anyone is currently using a third-part pool that
  they are well
pleased with, I would greatly appreciate that information too.
We just finished this discussion. Please check the archive.
   To unsubscribe:
  For additional commands: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Troubles with the list: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
 ProgrammerSt. Petersburg, Russia
 Tel/Fax: +7 812 3275343   197022 ul.Chapigina 7Á

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Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
ProgrammerSt. Petersburg, Russia
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DataSource connection pool problems :(

2002-03-04 Thread Lev Assinovsky

Hi there!
I give up!
I can't set up DataSource connection pool.
The related piece in server.xml looks as following:

  Resource name=lev/DataSource auth=Container
  ResourceParams name=lev/DataSource



With the code above I successfully get DataSource but not sure the
connection pool works.
I request the connection in the top of jsp and close it at the bottom.
And I see (using netstat -a) new connection every time.

HOW CAN I PASS POOL LIMITS (min, max) to the resource above?
Who is responsible for pool management - tyrex.* or mysql?

I use Linux and Tomcat 4.0.1.

Any help will  be appreciated!

Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
ProgrammerSt. Petersburg, Russia
Tel/Fax: +7 812 3275343   197022 ul.Chapigina 7Á

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Re: Pls Help!! Uploading an image

2002-03-04 Thread Lev Assinovsky

I use special bean from:

Usually web servers don't support uploading because it's still RFC.

Uma Maheswar wrote:

 I need help from any of you. I need a programme to upload an image to the database 
while submitting a form. If any one is having the source code pls help  me.


Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
ProgrammerSt. Petersburg, Russia
Tel/Fax: +7 812 3275343   197022 ul.Chapigina 7Á

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Re: How to log shutting down of tomcat

2002-03-04 Thread Lev Assinovsky

You can see tomcat's shutdown in /logs/catalina.out
Run tail -f $CATALINA_HOME/logs/catalina.out

Keith Ng wrote:

 is there anyway to log the shutting down of tomcat? My tomcat server tend to
 auto shutdown for unknown reasons. I have been trying to trace to no avail.
 Currently using 1.3.1 and tomcat 4.0.2. it shuts down like after 4-5 hours
 and i wasnt able to track why did it shutdown. I have changed my ODBC-JDBC
 bridge(type 1) to type 4 drivers. It could also be my tomcat crashing... i
 do not know.

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Re: URL Problem with blanks in names

2002-03-03 Thread Lev Assinovsky

A HREF=/images/a b.gifOpen/A works for me (Netscape).

WebMaster wrote:

 Just use cascading ASCII (blank = 20):

 - Original Message -
 From: Zsolt Koppany [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 6:22 PM
 Subject: URL Problem with blanks in names

  how can I create a link (A HREF...) to a file with blank in either the
  directory or in the filename?
  I mean for example: A HREF=/images/a b.gifOpen/A
  I tried to create the link using URLEncoder.encode(..) but the created
  didn't work either.
  Zsolt Koppany
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Lev AssinovskyPeterlink Web
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