Re: Error configuring JK2

2004-01-29 Thread OUTTERS Guillaume
Ralf Schneider wrote:

 configure: error: Invalid location for apxs: 

Looking at the configure file, it could be that your apxs is not 
executable (copied by FTP?).

If you manage to get over this problem, I had two other ones on Solaris 
9. The first seems to be a system-dependant problem (default shell), 
there are two if ! ${TEST} in which I replaced by if 
${TEST} !. The second one is an inconsistance between jk_ws.m4 (macros 
for generating the configure) and its uses: JK_WS_INCDIR needs three 
parameters, but uses only two, and the callers pass it two too.

I had to automate the building process, which gives:

cd /tmp

cat  jkwsincdir.lex  TERMINE
int g_niveau;

\[JK_WS_INCDIR\] { fwrite(yytext, 1, yyleng, yyout); g_niveau = 0; 
DEDANS\[ { fwrite(yytext, 1, yyleng, yyout); ++g_niveau; }
DEDANS\] { fwrite(yytext, 1, yyleng, yyout); if(!--g_niveau) BEGIN(0); }
DEDANS\$3 { fprintf(yyout, \$2); }


int yywrap() { return 1; }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { yylex(); return 0; }
flex jkwsincdir.lex  gcc -o jkwsincdir lex.yy.c
gnutar xzf /opt/install/jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-src-current.tar.gz
cd jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-2.0.2-src/jk/native2
/tmp/jkwsincdir  ../../jk/support/jk_ws.m4  /tmp/jk_ws.m4 
mv /tmp/jk_ws.m4 ../../jk/support/jk_ws.m4
sed -e 's/if ! ${TEST}/if ${TEST} !/'  /tmp/ 
 mv /tmp/

# I needed target=NONE to force a configure sub-script to take the
# platform detected by configure. I suppose you want to modify the
# tomcat41 directive in a tomcat5 one.
./configure --with-apache2-include=$HTTPD_DIR/include 
--with-apache2-lib=$HTTPD_DIR/lib --with-apxs2=$HTTPD_DIR/bin/apxs 
--with-tomcat41=$TOMCAT_DIR --target=NONE --with-jni

Guillaume Outters

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Re: How do I build

2004-01-29 Thread OUTTERS Guillaume
Thomas Cherry wrote:

I was expecting to have a file (which made me question why ant was 
the build tool) but have not found it.
I had this same problem on Solaris. I finally found that it couldn't 
generate a (dynamic library), only a static one (mod_jk2.a) 
because Apache didn't provide it dynamic libraries 
($HTTPD_DIR/lib/ and $HTTPD_DIR/lib/ I had 
only their static version, so mod_jk2 detected that and created 
everything in static.

I recompiled Apache with a bunch of options (join lines as necessary):
export HTTPD_DIR=/usr/local/httpd-2.0.48
./configure --prefix=$HTTPD_DIR --enable-module=most 
--enable-shared=most --without-gdbm --without-berkeley-db 
--with-mpm=worker --with-pcre --enable-so --enable-rule=SHARED_CORE 
--enable-static=no --enable-shared=yes
, most of which must be unuseful but well it worked.

I've heard that another static-compiled library on Linux could have this 
effect (but I don't remember which one, wondering if it is not PCRE), 
and that disabling it was the right solution.

Guillaume Outters
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Re: How do I build

2004-01-29 Thread OUTTERS Guillaume
Thomas Cherry wrote:

but this script does exist.  I know it exists, because I had to fix it 
(was pointing to a bad path).
Do all the intermediate links have executable bit set (the configure 
script tests it)?

 Why do I care if the lib is static or not?  Recompiling Apache sounds 
 like a lot of work just because I want to compile mod_jk.

mod_jk2 has to link with Apache libraries to be able to access its 
internals. If the only libs it finds are static (in fact, if just one of 
all libs is), it cannot create a dynamic lib, only a static one. But an 
Apache module has to be a dynamic library. So if you don't have 
$HTTPD_DIR/lib/ and $HTTPD_DIR/lib/, only the 
static ones, the compilation won't give the expected result.

If, after compiling mod_jk2, you find a mod_jk2.a but no, 
that's certainly what happened.

Guillaume Outters

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Re: Tomcat

2004-01-19 Thread OUTTERS Guillaume
Haddad, Bayan M wrote:

I would like to learn more about Tomcat for Unix Solaris. Where can I
find information on it, documentation, download the software,
installation procedure, Tomcat V.S Jrun ?. Who support it?.
I installed one on a Solaris 9. Installing Tomcat was no problem 
(download the zip binary release (jar files and shell scripts), 
uncompress it, use the shell script, it works), but I had 
trouble making it work with Apache and mod_jk2 (which makes the link 
between both).

Using a gcc3 development environment, I finally found I had to configure 
Apache with explicit shared object output (./configure [...] 
--enable-so --enable-rule=SHARED_CORE --enable-static=no 
--enable-shared=yes did the trick, pick the ones you want. I chose all 
of them, just in case). If I didn't, I had no '' and 
'' in Apache-generated lib directory; then, when running 
mod_jk2's 'configure', which needs libapr, it couldn't find those and so 
decided not to compile to a shared object (which is required to add it 
to Apache as a module).

Guillaume Outters
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Re: Redhat9 / mod_jk2 builds from source

2004-01-15 Thread OUTTERS Guillaume
George Shafik wrote:

I found the following always works:

./configure --enable-module=all --enabled-shared=max
make install
I personaly had (on Solaris 9 with the gcc suite) to explicitely add:
--enable-so --enable-rule=SHARED_CORE --enable-static=no --enable-shared=yes
I don't know which ones were useful, but with the default options (OK, I 
used --enable-module=most, but I doubt this is the problem) I couldn't 
get Apache generate and (I only got their 
static library versions); then mod_jk2 wouldn't compile to a shared one 

Guillaume Outters
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