Tomcat (5.0.28) runs on Windows 2003 Server.

Web application needs some information from tomcat starup. So I add
following statement in startup.bat batch file
set JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx512m -
Application runs well When I start Tomcat by startup.bat

But now I need to install Tomcat as windows service, how to add
aforementioned statement into this tomcat service?
Following is what I have done for it, but it failed.

1: Modify service.bat file, add --JvmOptions "-Xms512m;-Xmx512m;-
Daos.configuration=%CATALINA_HOME%/conf/aos.config" behind
2: Make Tomcat as Windows Service

run :service install tomcat5

3: Start service 'tomcat5'

But application runs not well because it can not get information from
startup parameters.

My question is:
how to add statement "set JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx512m -
into tomcat5 service?


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