Re: JDBC Connections

2001-05-28 Thread sibendud
Hi, I feel its better to be used only when necessary and released as soon as possible. Best regards Sib "Mathew Clark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 05/28/2001 10:07:34 PM Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> cc: Subject: JDBC Connections Hi, We have implemented a s

Re: Server.xml

2001-05-24 Thread sibendud
i didn't get it quite clear--you want to change the port tomcat listens to or apache listens to?? if you want to make apache listen to some other port , change its cofiguration file at apache_root/conf/httpd.conf::: simply change Port 80 to some other value. if you want to change it for tomcat,

Re: How to use Tomkat with apache.

2001-05-24 Thread sibendud
Hi I think the manuals and docs that comes with Tomcat package is enough for primary installation . For config, consult the .htmls under tomcat_home /docs/uguide/. Best regards Sib [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 05/24/2001 03:10:55 AM Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc

problem to handle sessions with Tomcat

2001-05-23 Thread sibendud
Hello Here I face a problem with Apache1.3.14+Tomcat3.2.1 . I am building up a login module in which the process flows like: login.jsp-->LoginServlet-->login_success.jsp. In the servlet , on the successful login , i am initiating a session and putting some values. But I am not able to get back