* Ben Ricker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [1231 20:31]:

> On Wed, 2002-12-18 at 12:26, Matt Harris wrote:
> > Apache normally runs multiple processes to handle multiple simoultaneous
> > user requests.  This can be configured in your httpd.conf.  Tomcat runs
> > multiple processes, which it calls "workers".  Since tomcat is in java
> > and not a truly binary-compiled language (like C or C++) it runs under
> > java which is part of your JRE (java runtime environment).  

Is that right? I thought these were multiple threads, not processes
(see below).
> Another small tidbit: Linux's 'ps' command shows threads as processes.
> Apache runs multiple processes, but Java runs one processes with
> multiple threads. Can't remember why Linux does that...

Linux uses a model called 'process threads', where a single
process with multiple threads in it gets mapped to one system process
per thread. Technically this breaks POSIX compatibility, because threads
in a single process are supposed to have the same PID.

Solaris uses a totally different threading model called
'schedular activations' which is far too complicated to discuss here.
The BSDs use a different model again.
So generally you only see the
'lots of threads look like lots of processes' bug under Linux.

> Anyway, we run our Tomcats on Solaris and there is only one java process
> per Tomcat instance listed in 'ps'.

Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns

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