I'm currently playing the IP compliance game with Tomcat and have
jumped through all their hoops so far but just now need to implement a
process of monitoring annoucements of new versions so we can assess
whether we need to upgrade or not.

Currently that involves me reading tomcat-user but that isn't going to
be acceptable and is actually quite cumbersome to do especially just
to wade through to find announcements (that isn't what I do but others
in the company would). I saw there is a general Jakarta announcement
list at http://mail-archives.eu.apache.org/mod_mbox/jakarta-announcements/
but that doesn't seem to include Tomcat announcements even though it
seems the perfect place for it.

Does anyone have any recommendations on how to accomplish what I am
after apart from having someone vist http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat
every X days to check? I guess I could write a screen scraper that did
that and monitored for new versions but that seems a little extreme to
do something simple.

Jason Bainbridge
http://kde.org - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Personal Site - http://jasonbainbridge.com

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