I guess you JSP is failing with an uncaught exception. At that point, Tomcat
would try to send a "500 Internal Server Error" response code, but it can't
since a "200 OK" status code has already been sent (that is, the output
committed) to the client.

Attila Szegedi
home: http://www.szegedi.org

----- Original Message -----
Sent: 2002. március 8. 14:45
Subject: RE: How can I resolve this "IllegalStateException: Response has a
lrea dy been committed" problem?

> The exception seems to be occurring because the Home servlet forwards more
> than once (to different locations) - first to home.jsp, then later to the
> Create servlet.
> It is definitely the fact that it is forwarding to more than one place,
> is causing the problem.  I know this because if I call the Login servlet
> fail the login authorization - this servlet consequently forwards to
> login.jsp more than once (first - to display the fresh login page, and
> second - to prompt user to try again).  This however does not give me an
> exception.
> Given that my Home servlet is like the "central" servlet, it needs to be
> capable of forwarding to a variety of places, depending on the activity
> selected by the user.
> Ryan - I have looked at create.jsp and, as far as my little mind can see,
> does not play with the response object at all.  All it does is get a few
> session attributes and fit them into the page using <%= blablabla %>.
> that be a problem?
> This problem is not isolated to the "Create" example.  There are other
> activities the user can choose which all follow exactly the same
> mechanism (except to different servlets), and these give exactly the same
> exception.
> Lindsay

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