Re: IE-Page not found problem

2005-06-14 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
> Yes, it can be done with a simple . See earlier message in this 
> thread for details, or follow the link to the Tomcat bug database in my 
> previous message.

I missed that thread, but this is good to know.  Thanks!

>Keep in mind, this is not just a problem > with pdf files. It will happen 
> when IE uses SSL to download *any* > file that is not being rendered in 
>the browser, when the no-cache > directive is included in the response.

Absolutely.  Worth having this clearly stated for the archives for sure.


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Re: IE-Page not found problem

2005-06-14 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
> Yes, it can be done with a simple . See earlier message in this 
> thread for details, or follow the link to the Tomcat bug database in my 
> previous message.

I missed that thread, but this is good to know.  Thanks!

>Keep in mind, this is not just a problem > with pdf files. It will happen 
> when IE uses SSL to download *any* > file that is not being rendered in 
>the browser, when the no-cache > directive is included in the response.

Absolutely.  Worth having this clearly stated for the archives for sure.


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Re: IE-Page not found problem

2005-06-14 Thread Mark Leone

Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

... The point being that even if you can disable the option in Tomcat 
(and I'm not sure you can?)

Yes, it can be done with a simple . See earlier message in this 
thread for details, or follow the link to the Tomcat bug database in my 
previous message.

FYI, I wound up writing a filter that lets me define paths that WILL 
NOT have the cache headers set, all others they are set for (because 
all but three paths in my app needed the headers set, the 3 were where 
PDFs get generated).  I use this in place of the Struts setting.  This 
filter will appear in my Sourceforge JavaWebParts project, in case 
anyone else might be interested.

Keep in mind, this is not just a problem with pdf files. It will happen 
when IE uses SSL to download *any* file that is not being rendered in 
the browser, when the no-cache directive is included in the response.


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Re: IE-Page not found problem

2005-06-14 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
I realize this is the Tomcat list, but I suspect many people here use 
Struts in developing their apps... I think it is worth noting that 
Struts provides a "nocache" switch for the Request Processor that does 
the same thing (setting the no cache headers).   I found this out the 
hard way about two weeks ago when I ran into this very problem, but it 
turned out to be caused by this Struts option as I was running under 
Websphere.  The point being that even if you can disable the option in 
Tomcat (and I'm not sure you can?), if you are using Struts you still 
could experience the same issue if you aren't aware the the headers 
could be set in two places.

FYI, I wound up writing a filter that lets me define paths that WILL NOT 
have the cache headers set, all others they are set for (because all but 
three paths in my app needed the headers set, the 3 were where PDFs get 
generated).  I use this in place of the Struts setting.  This filter 
will appear in my Sourceforge JavaWebParts project, in case anyone else 
might be interested.


Mark Leone wrote:

Maybe IEs implementation existed before HTTP 1.1 and before the 
"no-store" option was introducted, which seems to clarify the matter 
of what isn't allowed to be stored to disk, there is nothing else in 
the specififcation that mandates the user-agent or cache can not (in 
the process of serving the orginary request) store it to disk (if the 
implementation needs to).

That's a charitable way to look at it, and an interesting observation. 
However, MS explicitly justifies the behavior in reference to the 
"no-cache" directive (see second link below), and I believe that neither 
the HTTP 1.0 Pragma semantics nor the HTTP 1.1 Pragma and Cache-Control 
semantics support the behavior. Given, as you pointed out, that the 
"no-store" option in HTTP 1.1 clears it up, then I think IE's 
implementation is even more unreasonable, as there is a check-box for 
HTTP 1.1 support.

I've worked with dynamic HTML for quite a few years and can't remember 
stumbling over this problem, what is the simplest server response that 
triggers this problem in IE ?

The problem occurs when using IE over an SSL connection, when the server 
includes either "cache-control: no-cache" or "pragma: no-cache" headers, 
or both, in the response, and the user is attempting to download a file 
that is not rendered in the browser (e.g., the file is either to be 
saved to disk or launched in some app other than a browser). Note that 
IE does not manifest the problem when the no-cache directives are sent 
in the response for non-SSL connections. I believe that Tomcat sends the 
no-cache directives when serving a resource from a protected context, 
i.e. one for which a  is defined.

(Mary-Beth reported here earlier that she got IE to behave properly by 
unchecking the option "Do not save encrypted pages to disk," but I tried 
this and it did not alleviate the problem. I believe Mary-Beth was 
dealing with a different issue. It's worth noting that MS does not list 
unchecking this option as a workaround in their bug report response for 
this issue.)

The Tomcat bug report on it can be found here:

And the IE bug report and MS response can be found here:

The issue is especially vexing IMO because of how it manifests. IE 
actually draws the download box with the progress bar, showing the 
correct web address and even the correct mime type of the resource. Then 
instead of beginning the download it suddenly throws up a window that 
says the site is unreachable.



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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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Re: IE-Page not found problem

2005-06-14 Thread Mark Leone

Maybe IEs implementation existed before HTTP 1.1 and before the 
"no-store" option was introducted, which seems to clarify the matter 
of what isn't allowed to be stored to disk, there is nothing else in 
the specififcation that mandates the user-agent or cache can not (in 
the process of serving the orginary request) store it to disk (if the 
implementation needs to).

That's a charitable way to look at it, and an interesting observation. 
However, MS explicitly justifies the behavior in reference to the 
"no-cache" directive (see second link below), and I believe that neither 
the HTTP 1.0 Pragma semantics nor the HTTP 1.1 Pragma and Cache-Control 
semantics support the behavior. Given, as you pointed out, that the 
"no-store" option in HTTP 1.1 clears it up, then I think IE's 
implementation is even more unreasonable, as there is a check-box for 
HTTP 1.1 support.

I've worked with dynamic HTML for quite a few years and can't remember 
stumbling over this problem, what is the simplest server response that 
triggers this problem in IE ?

The problem occurs when using IE over an SSL connection, when the server 
includes either "cache-control: no-cache" or "pragma: no-cache" headers, 
or both, in the response, and the user is attempting to download a file 
that is not rendered in the browser (e.g., the file is either to be 
saved to disk or launched in some app other than a browser). Note that 
IE does not manifest the problem when the no-cache directives are sent 
in the response for non-SSL connections. I believe that Tomcat sends the 
no-cache directives when serving a resource from a protected context, 
i.e. one for which a  is defined.

(Mary-Beth reported here earlier that she got IE to behave properly by 
unchecking the option "Do not save encrypted pages to disk," but I tried 
this and it did not alleviate the problem. I believe Mary-Beth was 
dealing with a different issue. It's worth noting that MS does not list 
unchecking this option as a workaround in their bug report response for 
this issue.)

The Tomcat bug report on it can be found here:

And the IE bug report and MS response can be found here:

The issue is especially vexing IMO because of how it manifests. IE 
actually draws the download box with the progress bar, showing the 
correct web address and even the correct mime type of the resource. Then 
instead of beginning the download it suddenly throws up a window that 
says the site is unreachable.



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Re: IE-Page not found problem

2005-06-14 Thread Darryl L. Miles

Mark Leone wrote:

The point is that IE is not providing the resource to the user *the 
first time* because there is a no-cache directive associated with it. 
IMO there is noting in the HTTP spec that even hints that this is how 
the no-cache directive is to be used. If IE needs to temporarily store 
the resource in order to provide it to the user, and a no-cache header 
is present, then it should find a way to give it to the user without 
caching it (which of course is not the same thing as temporarily 
storing it for spooling purposes), instead of refusing to let the user 
see it the first time the server sends it, and then hiding behind the 
HTTP spec to justify a poor implementation.

I think the end result speaks for itself. What possible use could a 
no-cache directive have if it means that user agents can't even give 
the resource to the user the first time it's requested? If this is 
really what the spec means, then every non-cacheable resource on the 
web is a self-licking ice-cream cone. Probably tastes great, but no 
one will ever really know. All the other user agent implementers seem 
to have interpreted the spec appropriately, without failing to give 
the users the resource the server explicitly provided to them.

Maybe IEs implementation existed before HTTP 1.1 and before the 
"no-store" option was introducted, which seems to clarify the matter of 
what isn't allowed to be stored to disk, there is nothing else in the 
specififcation that mandates the user-agent or cache can not (in the 
process of serving the orginary request) store it to disk (if the 
implementation needs to).   From the HTTP spec point of view caching is 
"just an observable concept", I make this statement to disconnect it 
from the presumption it has anything to do with storing to disk or not.

I agree with you on what possible use could no-cache be within IE if 
implemented their way.

I've worked with dynamic HTML for quite a few years and can't remember 
stumbling over this problem, what is the simplest server response that 
triggers this problem in IE ?


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Re: IE-Page not found problem

2005-06-13 Thread Mark Leone

Darryl L. Miles wrote:

Mark Leone wrote:

It's a silly problem. I ran in to it a while back, and it really 
mystified me until I found the bug write-up. Tomcat is doing the 
right thing, but MS has declared that IE is working "as designed" in 
this. FWIW, the HTTP spec is clear that the no-cache behavior applies 
to HTTP intermediaries, not user agents.

"the HTTP spec is clear that the no-cache behavior applies to HTTP 
intermediaries, not user agents."

Are you really sure ?

I have always understood the HTTP 1.1, "Cache-Control no-cache" 
response header to be able to control both intermediaries and user 
agent caching activities.

The specification does not talk in terms of user agent caches and 
intermediary caches it only talks in terms of caching operations (for 
the large part) with a few additional directives to target 
shared-public and/or private cache behaviour.

Yes, my comment was imprecise. I should have said that the HTTP spec is 
clear that the no-cache behavior does not apply to user agents in the 
way that it is implemented in IE. Having said that, reference your two 
statements about re-use:

As there is no differenciation between shared-public and private 
caches when it comes to the "no-cache" directive, all caches must 
revalidate the request before subsequent reuse...  The important point 
of "no-cache" is your HTTP client must ask the server before you 
re-use your cached object, its upto the server to then say "No!  Here 
use this instead".

This is precisely the issue with IE. The failure to make the resource 
available to the user does not occur on a request for re-use. I agree 
that the spec can be read to indicate that a no-cache directive should 
mean that the user agent serves the resource once and then requests 
re-validation from the origin server for any subsequent requests for the 
same resource.

But that's not what causes the subject error condition. The user 
requests a resource, and IE says essentially the following:

"Because of the way I've been implemented, I have to store this resource 
temporarily in order to show it to the user. Now that means I have to 
cache it... Oh, I just noticed, this resource has a no-cache directive 
in the header. I can't store this in cache... [forgetting the actions 
just taken] Hey, where's that resource I just copied into cache? I don't 
see it. The web site must be unreachable. That's what I'll tell the user."

The point is that IE is not providing the resource to the user *the 
first time* because there is a no-cache directive associated with it. 
IMO there is noting in the HTTP spec that even hints that this is how 
the no-cache directive is to be used. If IE needs to temporarily store 
the resource in order to provide it to the user, and a no-cache header 
is present, then it should find a way to give it to the user without 
caching it (which of course is not the same thing as temporarily storing 
it for spooling purposes), instead of refusing to let the user see it 
the first time the server sends it, and then hiding behind the HTTP spec 
to justify a poor implementation.

I think the end result speaks for itself. What possible use could a 
no-cache directive have if it means that user agents can't even give the 
resource to the user the first time it's requested? If this is really 
what the spec means, then every non-cacheable resource on the web is a 
self-licking ice-cream cone. Probably tastes great, but no one will ever 
really know. All the other user agent implementers seem to have 
interpreted the spec appropriately, without failing to give the users 
the resource the server explicitly provided to them.

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Re: IE-Page not found problem

2005-06-13 Thread Darryl L. Miles

Mark Leone wrote:

It's a silly problem. I ran in to it a while back, and it really 
mystified me until I found the bug write-up. Tomcat is doing the right 
thing, but MS has declared that IE is working "as designed" in this. 
FWIW, the HTTP spec is clear that the no-cache behavior applies to 
HTTP intermediaries, not user agents.

"the HTTP spec is clear that the no-cache behavior applies to HTTP 
intermediaries, not user agents."

Are you really sure ?

I have always understood the HTTP 1.1, "Cache-Control no-cache" response 
header to be able to control both intermediaries and user agent caching 

The specification does not talk in terms of user agent caches and 
intermediary caches it only talks in terms of caching operations (for 
the large part) with a few additional directives to target shared-public 
and/or private cache behaviour.

As there is no differenciation between shared-public and private caches 
when it comes to the "no-cache" directive, all caches must revalidate 
the request before subsequent reuse, this means an If-Modified-Since is 
an allowed type of request to the server, but since most non-static 
Tomcat/Perl/CGI/WhateverTechnology do not handle If-Modified-Since 
request directives anyway.  A new page is generated and a 200 response 
given, the net effect is no observable caching effect.  The important 
point of "no-cache" is your HTTP client must ask the server before you 
re-use your cached object, its upto the server to then say "No!  Here 
use this instead".

This does not help you with your IE problem thats just bad handling of 
the response.


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Re: IE-Page not found problem

2005-06-06 Thread Mark Leone
If users are having this problem only when the server is serving content 
from a protected context in Tomcat, then it is highly likely that you 
have run into this.

It's something in IE that most people would call a bug, but MS has 
chosen to call a feature. The problem occurs when Tomcat appends cache 
control headers (i.e. "cache-control:no-cache" and "pragma:no-cache") 
that indicate no caching is allowed by HTTP intermediaries. However, IE 
interprets these headers to mean that temporary storage in the client is 
also forbidden. So IE attempts to write the file to temporary storage as 
it does for all file downloads, and cancels the operation when it 
encounters the cache control headers. Then the app or file system 
(depending on whether you're running or saving the file) tries to find 
the file, doesn't find it, and cleverly reports that the site is 

To fix it, you simply have to configure Tomcat to not set the cache 
control headers when serving content from a protected context. Create a 
valve as follows, and put it in the appropriate  element. Make 
sure to substitute the class for whatever type of authentication you're 

It's a silly problem. I ran in to it a while back, and it really 
mystified me until I found the bug write-up. Tomcat is doing the right 
thing, but MS has declared that IE is working "as designed" in this. 
FWIW, the HTTP spec is clear that the no-cache behavior applies to HTTP 
intermediaries, not user agents.


sudip shrestha wrote:

I have a struts-hibernate powered webapp running off a debian box, jdk
1.5 and tomcat 5.5.7
I have IE users complaining about page not found problems from time to
time where as Firefox users never. I myselft have never encountered
this problem as I use FirefoxThis led me to thinking that this
might be a IE problem...Any suggestions on how to move ahead on the

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Re: IE-Page not found problem

2005-06-06 Thread sudip shrestha
Thanks a lotI am using SSL and this is definitely a good direction
to work on

> You are using SSL ?
> try:
> BrowserMatch ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown
> regards
> Quoting Joe Plautz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > If it was only that simple.
> >
> > Rafał Krupiński wrote:
> > > Joe Plautz wrote:
> > >
> > >> Simple, test with IE as well.
> > >
> > >
> > > yet simpler, tell your users it's IE problem and to use firefox instead :)
> > >
> > > -
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> > >
> > > .
> > >
> >
> > -
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> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> --
>   /\
>    /\/  \/\
>   Powerd by - letz board it, yeahhh !!/  \ \ \ \
> ---  /  / \   \
> -
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Re: IE-Page not found problem

2005-06-06 Thread Nikola Milutinovic

Rafał Krupiński wrote:

Joe Plautz wrote:

Simple, test with IE as well.

yet simpler, tell your users it's IE problem and to use firefox 
instead :)

It is still worth investigating. Mozilla/Firefox is eager to correct 
badly formed HTML, just as IE is. I would advise you to install Tidy 
HTML Validator in your Firefox and to weed out all errors and warnings, 
if possible.


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Re: IE-Page not found problem

2005-06-06 Thread Andrew Miehs


IMHO the best solution is to run tcpdump (or ethereel) on the server, 
and log the IE users
traffic (and try to limit it to only 1 user as you seem to indicate that 
you can easily reproduce
the problem). That will show you exactly what is going on. Anything else 
is just speculation.



sudip shrestha wrote:

I have no idea why you are continuing on this pathBut all I am
looking for is suggestions on how to debug this problem with IE, if
there is any.  I am not offerring any excuse!!  It's my work related
work.  I have had few issues with IE in the past such as url
redirection problem but I have managed to find the fix for those.  So,
I was thinking maybe somebody in the users list have had some kind of
positive experience with this in the past.  Frank's suggestion on this
regard was constructive.  I work in a huge company...suddenly asking
users to change the browser is not exactly the pratical solution


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Re: IE-Page not found problem

2005-06-06 Thread masro
You are using SSL ?


BrowserMatch ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown


Quoting Joe Plautz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> If it was only that simple.
> Rafał Krupiński wrote:
> > Joe Plautz wrote:
> > 
> >> Simple, test with IE as well.
> > 
> > 
> > yet simpler, tell your users it's IE problem and to use firefox instead :)
> > 
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > .
> > 
> -
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> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   /\/  \/\
  Powerd by - letz board it, yeahhh !!/  \ \ \ \
---  /  / \   \

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Re: IE-Page not found problem

2005-06-06 Thread Nikola Milutinovic

sudip shrestha wrote:

Dude:  Read the email first...
I am informing of the problem after we experienced with IE...

As you have said, YOU did not expirience it, since you're using FireFox. 
It would be most advisable to do two things:

1. Use IE yourself (I know, I loathe it, too, and prefer 

2. Look at the logs - pages that were missed should show up in the logs.


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Re: IE-Page not found problem

2005-06-06 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
Please see my previous post in this thread for some actual help
(potentially anyway).

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

On Mon, June 6, 2005 11:14 am, sudip shrestha said:
> I have no idea why you are continuing on this pathBut all I am
> looking for is suggestions on how to debug this problem with IE, if
> there is any.  I am not offerring any excuse!!  It's my work related
> work.  I have had few issues with IE in the past such as url
> redirection problem but I have managed to find the fix for those.  So,
> I was thinking maybe somebody in the users list have had some kind of
> positive experience with this in the past.  Frank's suggestion on this
> regard was constructive.  I work in a huge company...suddenly asking
> users to change the browser is not exactly the pratical solution
> either.
> On 6/6/05, Joe Plautz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Sorry for not including the smiley face but, dude, you're informing of a
>> problem that exists within a browser that is used by the vast majority
>> of web users and for some reason refused to test with it. "Works on my
>> box" is not a valid excuse.
>> Here's a link to a html validator,
>> Here's a link that explains a lot of the known issues,
>> sudip shrestha wrote:
>> > Dude:  Read the email first...
>> > I am informing of the problem after we experienced with IE...
>> >
>> > On 6/6/05, Joe Plautz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >
>> >>Simple, test with IE as well.
>> >>
>> >>sudip shrestha wrote:
>> >>
>> >>>I have a struts-hibernate powered webapp running off a debian box,
>> jdk
>> >>>1.5 and tomcat 5.5.7
>> >>>I have IE users complaining about page not found problems from time
>> to
>> >>>time where as Firefox users never. I myselft have never encountered
>> >>>this problem as I use FirefoxThis led me to thinking that this
>> >>>might be a IE problem...Any suggestions on how to move ahead on the
>> >>>problem?
>> >>>
>> >>>-
>> >>>To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >>>For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >>>
>> >>>.
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >>-
>> >>To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >>For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> > -
>> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >
>> > .
>> >
>> -
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> -
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Re: IE-Page not found problem

2005-06-06 Thread sudip shrestha
I have no idea why you are continuing on this pathBut all I am
looking for is suggestions on how to debug this problem with IE, if
there is any.  I am not offerring any excuse!!  It's my work related
work.  I have had few issues with IE in the past such as url
redirection problem but I have managed to find the fix for those.  So,
I was thinking maybe somebody in the users list have had some kind of
positive experience with this in the past.  Frank's suggestion on this
regard was constructive.  I work in a huge company...suddenly asking
users to change the browser is not exactly the pratical solution

On 6/6/05, Joe Plautz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry for not including the smiley face but, dude, you're informing of a
> problem that exists within a browser that is used by the vast majority
> of web users and for some reason refused to test with it. "Works on my
> box" is not a valid excuse.
> Here's a link to a html validator,
> Here's a link that explains a lot of the known issues,
> sudip shrestha wrote:
> > Dude:  Read the email first...
> > I am informing of the problem after we experienced with IE...
> >
> > On 6/6/05, Joe Plautz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>Simple, test with IE as well.
> >>
> >>sudip shrestha wrote:
> >>
> >>>I have a struts-hibernate powered webapp running off a debian box, jdk
> >>>1.5 and tomcat 5.5.7
> >>>I have IE users complaining about page not found problems from time to
> >>>time where as Firefox users never. I myselft have never encountered
> >>>this problem as I use FirefoxThis led me to thinking that this
> >>>might be a IE problem...Any suggestions on how to move ahead on the
> >>>problem?
> >>>
> >>>-
> >>>To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>>For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>>
> >>>.
> >>>
> >>
> >>-
> >>To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > .
> >
> -
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Re: IE-Page not found problem

2005-06-06 Thread Joe Plautz

If it was only that simple.

Rafał Krupiński wrote:

Joe Plautz wrote:

Simple, test with IE as well.

yet simpler, tell your users it's IE problem and to use firefox instead :)

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Re: IE-Page not found problem

2005-06-06 Thread Joe Plautz
Sorry for not including the smiley face but, dude, you're informing of a 
problem that exists within a browser that is used by the vast majority 
of web users and for some reason refused to test with it. "Works on my 
box" is not a valid excuse.

Here's a link to a html validator,

Here's a link that explains a lot of the known issues,

sudip shrestha wrote:

Dude:  Read the email first...
I am informing of the problem after we experienced with IE...

On 6/6/05, Joe Plautz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Simple, test with IE as well.

sudip shrestha wrote:

I have a struts-hibernate powered webapp running off a debian box, jdk
1.5 and tomcat 5.5.7
I have IE users complaining about page not found problems from time to
time where as Firefox users never. I myselft have never encountered
this problem as I use FirefoxThis led me to thinking that this
might be a IE problem...Any suggestions on how to move ahead on the

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Re: IE-Page not found problem

2005-06-06 Thread Rafał Krupiński

Joe Plautz wrote:

Simple, test with IE as well.

yet simpler, tell your users it's IE problem and to use firefox instead :)

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Re: IE-Page not found problem

2005-06-06 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
Moving on to a more helpful answer...

Have you tried using something like HTTPWatch to see what's going on?  IE
seems to display that page generically for a host of different problems,
and viewing the underlying HTTP transaction might narrow things down a

Also, you could ask your users to turn off the "friendly messages"
option... I'm not certain, but I believe they will get you slightly more
helpful (to you) messages with that option turned off.  It's under
Tools...Internet Options... Advanced... Show Friendly HTTP Error Messages.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

On Mon, June 6, 2005 10:22 am, Joe Plautz said:
> Simple, test with IE as well.
> sudip shrestha wrote:
>> I have a struts-hibernate powered webapp running off a debian box, jdk
>> 1.5 and tomcat 5.5.7
>> I have IE users complaining about page not found problems from time to
>> time where as Firefox users never. I myselft have never encountered
>> this problem as I use FirefoxThis led me to thinking that this
>> might be a IE problem...Any suggestions on how to move ahead on the
>> problem?
>> -
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>> .
> -
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Re: IE-Page not found problem

2005-06-06 Thread sudip shrestha
Dude:  Read the email first...
I am informing of the problem after we experienced with IE...

On 6/6/05, Joe Plautz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Simple, test with IE as well.
> sudip shrestha wrote:
> > I have a struts-hibernate powered webapp running off a debian box, jdk
> > 1.5 and tomcat 5.5.7
> > I have IE users complaining about page not found problems from time to
> > time where as Firefox users never. I myselft have never encountered
> > this problem as I use FirefoxThis led me to thinking that this
> > might be a IE problem...Any suggestions on how to move ahead on the
> > problem?
> >
> > -
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> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > .
> >
> -
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Re: IE-Page not found problem

2005-06-06 Thread Joe Plautz

Simple, test with IE as well.

sudip shrestha wrote:

I have a struts-hibernate powered webapp running off a debian box, jdk
1.5 and tomcat 5.5.7
I have IE users complaining about page not found problems from time to
time where as Firefox users never. I myselft have never encountered
this problem as I use FirefoxThis led me to thinking that this
might be a IE problem...Any suggestions on how to move ahead on the

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IE-Page not found problem

2005-06-06 Thread sudip shrestha
I have a struts-hibernate powered webapp running off a debian box, jdk
1.5 and tomcat 5.5.7
I have IE users complaining about page not found problems from time to
time where as Firefox users never. I myselft have never encountered
this problem as I use FirefoxThis led me to thinking that this
might be a IE problem...Any suggestions on how to move ahead on the

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