These are early days with Tomcat for me. Specifically, I'm trying to
integrate Tomcat with IIS. I'm running Tomcat 4.1.30 and IIS 5.1 on XP
Pro. I have downloaded and installed  isapi-redirector2.dll, I have
configured IIS as required in the configuration instructions, I have
edited the registry and added the Keys and Key Words as required. I have
downloaded numerous configuration instructions, and have in particular
followed this one:-

I know that IIS is working as I can successfully browse to
http://localhost/iisstart.asp  . And I also know that Tomcat is working
because browsing to localhost:8080 brings up the familiar Tomcat welcome

Looking at the Testing section of that guide, I can run step 11 and 12,
and thus call up the  html page from IIS, but clicking on any of the jsp
links produces a 'Page cannot be displayed' error, with 'Cannot find
server or DNS error' as' as the reason.

Looking in the IIS logs I see this line after requesting the link to the
12:49:08 GET /jakarta/isapi_redirector2.dll 200
which of course is the 'success' return code (as far as IIS is
concerned); ie, IIS is happy that it's passed the request on to the

It looks as if the redirector simply isn't using any of the Tomcat
contexts. There's a couple of lines in that specifiy
a context:

However crawling through server.xml seemed to indicate that there wasn't
a context defined in there to match the context in,
so I added ths section to server.xml:

<!--  Test /examples/jsp context... -->
  <Context path="/examples/jsp" docBase="examples/jsp" debug="5"
reloadable="true" crossContext="true">
  <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
prefix="localhost_examples_jsp_log." suffix=".txt" timestamp="true" />
  <Ejb name="ejb/EmplRecord" type="Entity"
remote="com.wombat.empl.EmployeeRecord" />

And again there's some evidence that this has been read and acted upon -
I now have a new logfile called localhost_examples_jsp_log.

But I'm still not getting .jsp pages served by IIS. Can anyone advise
any further action I can take, or places to look?

Tom Burke

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