We have a server-side app that we'd like to ship with
an easy-to-use demo. We'll run an installer that
copies Tomcat and a webapp to a local directory, and
then we'd like to launch Tomcat, launch a browser, and
navigate to the webapp's home page. (We're only
concerned about Windows deployment at the moment; we
assume that most Linux users are sophisticated enough
to get the system going on their own).

The best option I've come up with is a batch file that
includes the following:

start readme.html
cd tomcat-4.1\bin

This seems to work -- start readme.html launches the
browser, and startup.bat starts Tomcat. The problem is
that the console window for Tomcat appears in front of
the browser. Ideally I'd like the console window to be

Does anyone have a better way to do this?

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