Appreciate if any one has some inputs....We couldn't decide whether it
is a bug or usage issue,...

Details @

        jspInit() throwing NamingException when extracting a factory
          from JNDI context.

         When the container has been configured to load the JSP page 
         during startup by including the Load-On-Startup tag in web.xml,
         NamingException has been reported( can be viewed in the

The Tomcat Version which we are using is Tomcat 4.1.3.

How to Reproduce the problem:
Step 1) create a directory under webapps (say test) and unzip the
attached into the test dir under webapps.
Step 2) add the following lines to server.xml
   <Context path="/test" docBase="d:\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.30\webapps\test"
         <!-- DefaultContext -->
        <DefaultContext reloadable="true" crossContext="true"
                <!-- bean/MyBeanFactory -->
                   <Resource name="bean/MyBeanFactory" auth="Container"
                   <ResourceParams name="bean/MyBeanFactory">
        <!-- /DefaultContext -->  

Step 3) start the server 
During startup, the NamingException has been reported.

We tried with couple of other Tomcat versions aswell it is poping that 
NamingException with them also.

Please letus know if you had any issues while reproducing the above
You can refer to the bugid :33307 if you need more information. Please
let us 
Know if it is a configuration issue or a bug in JSP-TomCat. Awaiting yor

Thanks in Advance

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