
I need some input on pro & con with using redirect instead of requestdispatcher. I 
heard someone mention something about firewall issues or other security concerns ....

The reason i'm asking is that i have a problem making my requestdipatcher work, while 
the redirection works just fine.

I use a filter that checks for a valid session before giving access to a restricted 
area. If there is no valid session i use the requestdispatcher to forward it to the 
login page. But when it does that it looks for the login page files in the wrong 
place. Let me give an example:

My app area is on "https://localhost/sec/
My secure area is on "https://localhost/sec/secure/

Whenever i request something in the secure area, without a valid session, i want the 
request to be forwarded back to my app area. So far it works, but the references to 
html and jsp within that index.jsp gets an extra /secure/ added to the when requesting 
the files. This makes it look for https://localhost/sec/secure/someloginpage.jsp 
instead of 
https://localhost/sec/someloginpage.jsp . This is the problem, hence it does not find 
the files. 

The extra "/secure" is the url-pattern that triggers my filter.

Yes, i know i could use form based authentication, but i have a proprietary 
loginfunctionality that can't be done with j_security_check

I will be happy for any comment or suggestion.



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