Hello All,
I've just upgraded from tomcat 4.0.4 to 4.1.18 and put it on a test server
to test and see if it works with my enviroment.

The first thing I've done was to replicate the production server structure
to my dev server, so I added with the /admin web interface some Hosts and
one "blank" Context for each Host.
Then I applyed the changes and... booom  no Host started toi run...

the jsp pages in the root dir did not excute and I see the code instead of
the execution, while the pages inside the subdirs didn't compile and give a
Jasper compilation error... the page won't compile but error is generated in
the some jasper.* class

So I made a test, rolled back the server.xml to the default one and addedd
Hosts and Context manually to the file (old-style :-))
and now everything works...

Does anybody have ever experienced the problem?


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