
I'm using Tomcat 4.1.16.

I'm using a cross context to access resources between two different web
apps. My server.xml is set as follows:

<Host name="localhost" debug="0"

<Context path="" docBase="webapp1" debug="0" crossContext="true"/>
<Context path="/webapp2" docBase="c:/webapps/webapp2" debug="0"

And my JSP in webapp1 is as follows:

ServletContext thatctx= application.getContext("/webapp2");
RequestDispatcher rdpt=thatctx.getRequestDispatcher("/index.jsp");
rdpt.forward(request, response);

I keep getting the following error:

The requested resource (/index.jsp) is not available.

What worries me is that this works with static pages. ie. index.htm will
load correctly.

Why is this not working? I've read some bug postings that suggest that this
may be a bug in the class loader. How can I resolve this?


Sam P.

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