Re: jk2, apache2, tomcat5, on redhat 9 issue

2004-07-25 Thread Mark Eggers
I'm not sure what's "borked" with installing modules on Redhat since I
build everything myself.

Based on your error messages, it doesn't seem that the rpm's apxs is
finding everything correctly.

There have been several threads on this in the mailing list, so you can
search there as well.  If I recall correctly, you'll need to do the
following when you run configure for

1) cd to jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-2.0.4-src/jk/native2
2) run configure with:

./configure --with-apxs2=$APACHE_HOME/bin/apxs \
--with-tomcat41=$CATALINA_HOME \
--with-apr-lib= \
--with-jni \

where $APACHE_HOME is where apache is installed (although check to make
sure apxs is there), $CATALINA_HOME is where Tomcat is installed, and
 is where is located.

JNI is the Java native interface so that UNIX sockets will work. You
will need to set JAVA_HOME to point to your J2SDK install.

Getting this to work is problematic on stock Redhat installs, because I
don't think the necessary libraries were linked into the stock httpd
server.  I think the reason that this was avoided was to reduce the
dependency list for httpd.

There have been a lot of discussions on how to fix UNIX socket
operations on stock Redhat installs.  Basically you have to modify
server/apache2/Makefile and add a line containing EXTRA_LDFLAGS with
several libraries.  You could also do:

export EXTRA_LDFLAGS=" . . . ."

where ". . . ." is the list of libraries before running configure.  I
don't recall the libraries right off hand, so you'll need to query the
mailing list archive.

Only add pcre if you have the Perl regular expression library installed
(most likely you do).

I'm not sure that httpd and httpd-devel install and  There are RPMs for those as well, so you might do the

rpm -q  --filesbypkg

where  would be the appropriate one for httpd or httpd-devel. 
Make sure that the libraries are there.  If they are not, then you'll
have to get the appropriate RPMs for apr and apr-util.
(starting with 2.0.4) require these libraries.

When those libraries are installed, make sure that they're in your
LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  The easiest way to do this is to create a file called
apache.conf in /etc/  There should be a line in it that
points to the directory where apr and apr-util live.  The run
/sbin/ldconfig as root to add the libraries.

Note - Only do the above if the libraries are not already in a path that
is included in the ldconfig configuration.

Once that is done, you should be able to run  Then you'll
get to configure it.  There have been many discussions on how to
configure mod_jk2, and several links have been posted to the mailing


just my two cents . . . .

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Re: jk2, apache2, tomcat5, on redhat 9 issue

2004-07-25 Thread Rick Bragg

Rick Bragg wrote:
Mark Eggers wrote:
You will need to install the httpd-devel rpm as well.  This will give
you apxs and other material needed to compile mod_jk2.  You might check
on yum to see if mod_jk2 is already compiled.  It is for Fedora Core 
2. I don't know if it is for Redhat 9.

I build my own Apache, mod_jk2, etc. from source so all I can tell you
is what Synaptic, yum, and rhn tell me.
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Thanks Mark! That did the trick for that, however, I am getting problems 
when I run apxs after the make.

# /usr/sbin/apxs -n jk2 -i
SH_LIBTOOL='/usr/lib/httpd/build/libtool' /usr/lib/httpd/modules
/usr/lib/httpd/build/libtool --mode=install cp 
cp /usr/lib/httpd/modules/
mv: cannot move `/usr/lib/httpd/modules/' to a subdirectory of itself, 
chmod 755 /usr/lib/httpd/modules/
chmod: failed to get attributes of `/usr/lib/httpd/modules/': 
No such file or directory
apxs:Error: Command failed with rc=65536

My apache2 install is in /etc/httpd not /usr/lib/httpd so I don't know 
why it is trying put the module there.

After I ran that, I copied the to /etc/httpd/modules/. but 
then apache does not work:

I put this line in httpd.conf:
LoadModule jk2_module modules/
then ran this test:
# /usr/sbin/httpd -t
Syntax error on line 213 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /etc/httpd/modules/ into server: 
/etc/httpd/modules/ undefined symbol: apr_socket_send

I'm not sure how to fix this
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks again!

oops, /etc/httpd/modules is a symlink of /usr/lib/httpd/modules/
But I still don't know why I am haveing the errors running apxs...
Thanks again

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Re: jk2, apache2, tomcat5, on redhat 9 issue

2004-07-25 Thread Rick Bragg
Mark Eggers wrote:
You will need to install the httpd-devel rpm as well.  This will give
you apxs and other material needed to compile mod_jk2.  You might check
on yum to see if mod_jk2 is already compiled.  It is for Fedora Core 2. 
I don't know if it is for Redhat 9.

I build my own Apache, mod_jk2, etc. from source so all I can tell you
is what Synaptic, yum, and rhn tell me.
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Thanks Mark! That did the trick for that, however, I am getting problems 
when I run apxs after the make.

# /usr/sbin/apxs -n jk2 -i
/usr/lib/httpd/build/libtool --mode=install cp 
cp /usr/lib/httpd/modules/
mv: cannot move `/usr/lib/httpd/modules/' to a subdirectory of itself, 
chmod 755 /usr/lib/httpd/modules/
chmod: failed to get attributes of `/usr/lib/httpd/modules/': 
No such file or directory
apxs:Error: Command failed with rc=65536

My apache2 install is in /etc/httpd not /usr/lib/httpd so I don't know 
why it is trying put the module there.

After I ran that, I copied the to /etc/httpd/modules/. but 
then apache does not work:

I put this line in httpd.conf:
LoadModule jk2_module modules/
then ran this test:
# /usr/sbin/httpd -t
Syntax error on line 213 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /etc/httpd/modules/ into server: 
/etc/httpd/modules/ undefined symbol: apr_socket_send

I'm not sure how to fix this
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks again!

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Re: jk2, apache2, tomcat5, on redhat 9 issue

2004-07-24 Thread Mark Eggers
You will need to install the httpd-devel rpm as well.  This will give
you apxs and other material needed to compile mod_jk2.  You might check
on yum to see if mod_jk2 is already compiled.  It is for Fedora Core 2. 
I don't know if it is for Redhat 9.

I build my own Apache, mod_jk2, etc. from source so all I can tell you
is what Synaptic, yum, and rhn tell me.


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jk2, apache2, tomcat5, on redhat 9 issue

2004-07-24 Thread Rick Bragg
I am trying to install tomcat so that many of my users can use jsp with 
there virtual hosts in apache. I have looked through the archives and 
docs on this and there seems to be good info, but I am running into a 
strange problem when I try to build the mod_jk2 for apache

I have no "apxs" installed on my system. what is the apxs? and why do I 
not have it anywere on my system. I have apache2 installed via rpm and I 
cannont build the mod_jk2

Is there a binary that I can download for this?
Any help building this module and setting up virtual hosts would be great!

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