I) jk2.property file
Concerning the documentation of th JK2 connector I've already installed a
jk_conf and a worker.property file for the
apache - tomcat communication. Among other things the port for every tomcat
process has to be provided.
The same port must be used in configuring the JK2-Connector in the
server.xml file.

However, what's the meaning of the jk2.properties which can be found in the
conf directory? Do these properties overrule
the worker's setting? Can I get rid off of them without harming tomcat?

II) socket- / unix channel
What's the difference between a "socket / unix" channel?
I've noticed that the log-file of tomcat issues several information
concerning the used channels on starting tomcat. Do the channel
configuration influence the inter process communication between apache and
tomcat (jserv)?


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