Topband: Long delayed posts

2011-01-17 Thread Mike Waters W0BTU
Is anyone here also experiencing this? Here's another one. It is now 2:30 PM CST January 17, and the post below, sent two days ago, just came in within the last hour. I'm trying to determine whether it is my e-mail provider or the server. About all that comes in on this

Topband: "Grounds" for a Beverge

2011-01-17 Thread Charles W. Shaw
Howdy from NM, It appears to me that once more the term "ground" has led someone astray, and most likely it was some of us old time Topbanders that caused it. Mark, WD4ELG, recently said, "I thought bev worked with poor ground." In one sense, most of us would agree--a Bevera

Re: Topband: First attempt at beverage antenna, not working as expected

2011-01-17 Thread donovanf
Mark, While "The Benchmark Beverage" makes interesting reading, it conflicts significantly with years of practical Topband experience. The credibility of "The Benchmark Beverage" suffers badly because its based entirely on an undisclosed computer model not benchmarked to the measured performanc

Re: Topband: First attempt at beverage antenna, not working as expected

2011-01-17 Thread Greg - ZL3IX
Hi All, I'm sure that the Epsom salts trick works well, but seems to require quite a high level of maintenance. At my remote Rx site I use multiple ground rods to terminate my Beverages. I find that using 3 rods, then bringing the termination resistance back up to the 500 ohm that it should

Topband: First attempt at beverage antenna, not working as expected

2011-01-17 Thread Tom Boucher
Just a few comments to Mark WD4ELG: I too have a single short Beverage, about 350' over clay soil and sloping up a hill to the west, fed with about a quarter mile of RG58. It's really too short for top-band, but it does work. Myself and some other Gs have been carrying out daily long path test

Topband: Isotron

2011-01-17 Thread rick darwicki
Anyone used an Isotron for 160 RX and have any comments? Rick, N6PE === You're never too old to learn something stupid. ___ UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: First attempt at beverage antenna, not working as expected

2011-01-17 Thread Mike Waters W0BTU
Mark, I went back and studied Greg Ordy's page at at length. From his chart and animated GIF, it appears that merely adding another 25 or 50 feet onto your 250' Beverage might do wonders for it on 160. (Having

Re: Topband: First attempt at beverage antenna, not working as expected

2011-01-17 Thread Mike Waters W0BTU
From: Rik van Riel To: Sent: Sun, January 16, 2011 8:39:44 AM Subject: Re: Topband: First attempt at beverage antenna, not working as expected On 01/15/2011 09:44 PM, Mark Lunday wrote: h

Topband: The beverage is not working yet, but the inverted L sure is

2011-01-17 Thread Mark Lunday
Thanks for the guidance with my inverted L back in October and November (it is ALL about RADIALS, RADIALS, RADIALS) >From here in North Carolina in the past two nights, I worked OH, OZ, ON, OE, PA, HA, 9A, S5. All with ease and good S5 or better in all cases. Tonight I had a bit more QRN from st

Re: Topband: First attempt at beverage antenna, not working as expected

2011-01-17 Thread Mike Waters W0BTU
When you first drive in a ground rod, it does not make contact with the area near the surface very well. The area near the surface is more important than what is happening farther down, as far as RF is concerned. I even poured some wet Epsom Salts down in the gap besides that rod. People will

Re: Topband: First attempt at beverage antenna, not working as expected

2011-01-17 Thread Mark Lunday
First, thanks to ALL on this list who responded. I received more than 20 replies with suggestions and guidance. Second, I used my MFJ-259 to measure the SWR from the shack. I was shocked at what I found. Instead of 2:1 or less from 160-40, I had 8:1 SWR. This indicates a fundamental issue with