OK - I've completed the VT QSO (thanks to K2LI) and have a sked with a MA fella 
this coming Sunday morning at 0945Z.....but, no joy on a RI QSO.
Anybody from the great Ocean State in the mood to unplug his/her 160 meter 
loading coil and get on 80 meters for a quick QSO with me.  If I can find 
someone or more to help out by Sunday morning I'll be DONE with this 2012 goal! 
 You do not have to be operating at QRP levels...just me.
Appreciate, in advance, any assistance you RI'ers can proffer.  72, Jim 
Rodenkirch, K9JWV

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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