(Note:  what follows is a long, technical discussion about noise and “small” 
antennas.  I invoke some math and physics here, so if you are not comfortable 
with it, feel free to disregard or delete this e-mail.  I went through this 
exercise to help teach myself the limits here and maybe others might find it 
helpful or educational as well.)


My early tests with the WD8DSB mini-flag and some statements on the DX 
Engineering Web page led me to think that this antenna might be usable as a 
general-purpose receiving antenna with good sensitivity.  However, some of the 
comments posted on this reflector led me to reconsider my thinking.  To address 
this issue I decided to do some calculations and measurements, using my 
background in engineering.  Based on what I’ve now learned, I have a better 
understanding of the limits of using very small receiving antennas as 
replacements for larger antennas.  I thought I would share some of what I’ve 
done.  I should emphasize that this does not in any way make the WD8DSB 
mini-flag less useful as a tool for direction finding.  I still consider this 
antenna a terrific addition to my arsenal.


First, I’ll repeat what I said in an earlier post about the preamp I’ve been 
using with the mini-flag.  It’s a homebrew unit using a cascade of the UTO 511 
and UTO 533 amplifier modules.  The datasheets give the noise figures of these 
amplifiers as 2.3 dB and 3.5 dB respectively, with gains of 16 dB and 17 dB  
respectively.  In cascade they should yield 33 dB gain. 


Because the datasheets of these devices don’t specify operation below 5 MHz, I 
made my own measurements to see what they really do on 1.8 MHz.  I used my 
Elecraft P3 panadapter as a spectrum analyzer.  I’ve calibrated the scale of 
the P3 with the Elecraft XG3 calibrated signal source.  The XG3 provides 
selectable signal output levels of -107, -73, -33, or 0 dBm.  The specified 
accuracy is +/- 1 dBm at the 3 lower levels, so I’m pretty confident about the 
absolute calibration of the P3.


To assess the actual noise figure of my preamp on 1.8 MHz, I first did some 
calculations.  Johnson noise, which represents a thermal noise limit of a 
system, is -174 dBm in a 1 Hz bandwith (or -174 dBm/Hz) at a temperature of 
300K, which is roughly room temperature.  For an explanation and derivation of 
this, see:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnson%E2%80%93Nyquist_noise.  This 
is a fundamental limit of physics (although when you get to optical 
wavelengths, quantum mechanical effects can become important).


Next I connected my preamp to my radio with a 50 ohm termination on the input 
of the preamp in place of the antenna and measured the noise floor in the P3.  
The P3 gave me a value of about -118 dBm in a bandwidth of about 100 Hz.  The 
noise spectrum is flat so the noise in a 1 Hz bandwidth will be 20 dB (100 
times) less, or -138 dBm/Hz.  To refer the output noise to the input of the 
preamp, where the antenna connects, I subtracted out the 33 dB preamp gain to 
yield an equivalent input noise of -171 dBm/Hz.  (I separately verified the 33 
dB preamp gain on 1.8 MHz with the XG3 and P3).  This is only 3 dB greater than 
the theoretical thermal noise limit of -174 dBm/Hz.  That’s pretty darn close 
to what I would expect to see for a preamp with a stated 2.3 dB noise figure.  
All of this so far is independent of any antenna.  It is all about the internal 
noise limits of my receiving electronics.


Next I set out to settle the question of whether the mini-flag (or any other 
low-gain antenna) could pick up enough external atmospheric noise to overwhelm 
the thermal noise limit that I just calculated/measured.   To do this requires 
knowledge of actual atmospheric noise levels.  You can look up numbers from 
various sources but those are only rough estimates and can vary greatly at 
different locations.  For my purposes it was best to try to measure it directly.


To measure atmospheric noise, I measured the daytime noise floor level in my P3 
using my 160m transmit vertical antenna as the receiving antenna.  (On an 
average night, the noise comes up 5 to 10 dB from daytime levels at my QTH).   
In reality this noise consists of a combination of some local man-made noise as 
well as atmospheric noise.  The P3 measured the daytime noise level as about 
-120 dBm/Hz.  I live in a suburban area and my numbers may or may not be 
representative of other suburban locations.  


To proceed further, I need to know the gain of my antennas.  I estimate the 
actual *average* gain of my transmit vertical is about -7 dBi, based on EZNEC 
modeling and some estimates of my ground loss.  Average gain is computed in 
EZNEC by averaging an antenna’s gain response over all of 3-dimensional 
hemispherical space.  It is necessary to do this type of analysis when doing 
atmospheric noise calculations because we have to account for noise 
contributions from all directions, not just the peak of the antenna’s main 
lobe.  This calculation assumes the atmospheric noise has a uniform 
distribution over all of space, which is probably not exactly true but we’ll 
make that assumption to get a ballpark result.  Note that an ideal lossless 
antenna would have an average gain of exactly 0 dBi, which, by definition, is 
the gain of an isoptropic radiator.  That results falls out from the concept of 
antenna gain averaged over all of space.


One caveat: the assumption of uniformly distributed noise is definitely not 
true for local man-made noise, which comes from specific directions and 
propagates via groundwave at essentially zero elevation angle.  The EZNEC 
average gain calculation uses a far-field antenna gain pattern and does not 
take groundwave into account.  


Next I created an EZNEC model of the DXE mini-flag and found it has an average 
gain of about -72 dBi on 1.8 MHz.  Because this is 65 dB lower than the average 
gain of my transmit vertical, the mini-flag should theoretically deliver 65 dB 
less atmospheric noise, or -185 dBm/Hz, to the receiver.  I make no claim these 
are super-accurate numbers but it’s the best I can come up with, at least at my 
location.  It does give an idea of the magnitude of the problem we’re dealing 
with when it comes to noise limits.


Because I already calculated/measured the thermal noise floor of my system as 
-171 dBm/Hz, the atmospheric noise floor level from the mini-flag at my QTH 
will be about 14 dB below thermal noise.  That means the atmospheric noise will 
be swamped by thermal noise in my electronics and not vice versa.  The higher 
atmospheric noise at night will be somewhat closer to thermal noise but 
probably not enough to change the conclusion here.  Thermal noise will limit 
one’s ability to hear very weak signals with this antenna.  This might be 
improved marginally with a preamp with a lower noise figure but 2.3 dB is 
already getting close to the limits of what can be achieved practically.  More 
preamp gain, without an improvement in noise figure, will not improve weak 
signal reception.  


This finding confirms what others have stated about very low gain receiving 
antennas being limited by thermal noise.  If you have an antenna with a 
different gain than the mini-flag, you can substitute its average gain into the 
calculation I just did.  


EZNEC says the gain of the mini-flag increases about 10 dB for each doubling in 
frequency above 1.8 MHz.  This means you start to have a chance of beating the 
thermal noise limit with this antenna at higher frequencies, maybe 7 MHz or 
above, depending on the ambient external noise environment.


For direction-finding purposes, you generally don’t need the ultimate in 
low-noise reception.  You only need the DF antenna to be good enough to hear 
the signal or interfering noise source well above whatever noise is in your 
receiver.  For this purpose, the WD8DSB mini-flag should work great in most 


I welcome any comments about this analysis and these results.


73, John W1FV




From: Don Kirk [mailto:wd8...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 3:33 PM
To: john.kaufm...@verizon.net
Cc: TopBand List
Subject: Re: Topband: The WD8DSB mini-flag antenna


Hi John,


You started this mess (or maybe I did), and finally here is my response to a 
few of the questions you had and thanks so much for waiting in line for my 


1)  As I have mentioned in a few other responses I suspect having the short 10 
foot feedline helps to negate common mode noise and direct signal ingress into 
the feedline that often haunts us.  I do have one recommendation about pattern 
distortion as follows.  Check to make sure the peak and the null of the antenna 
are in agreement on the signal you are direction finding.  If you notice a 
slight skew (where they don't agree with each other), then move away from 
existing objects and this will correct that problem.  I sometimes notice a 
slight skew when in my backyard near my house (looks like the null shifts 
slightly from where it should be), and when I get out away from my house (I 
move to the sidewalk in front of my house) the slight pattern skew goes away.


2)  I don't know what the DX Engineering preamp noise figure is, and there 
definitely is no expectation from the designers standpoint that it's 
spectacular.  Even though I did most of the field testing of this preamp I have 
no idea what the amplifier part of the circuit is as DX Engineering tightly 
controls their designs.


3)  My antenna does not have a long mast, and it easily fits in the back seat 
of my very small 1996 Saturn Station Wagon.  It fits widthwise in my backseat, 
and I have to imagine it will do the same in almost any car since my car is 
about as small as they come.  Looks like the DX Engineering version of my 
antenna has a longer mast, and that can easily be shortened if it helps you fit 
the antenna into other areas of your vehicle.  I only use the extension on my 
antenna if I'm doing some stationary tests in my backyard, otherwise I use it 
as shown on the cover of QST.


I Really appreciate you jumping in so quickly on the antenna build and 
reporting some of your results.  Sometimes when I have a few minutes I will go 
outside and just play with the antenna and marvel on how simple it is, but how 
well it works. 


I hope I have now covered the majority of everyones questions and comments.  If 
there are other comments or questions we probably should move this discussion 
over to the RFI Reflector or e-mail me direct.



Don (wd8sb)


On Tue, Feb 23, 2021 at 1:26 PM John Kaufmann via Topband 
<topband@contesting.com> wrote:

Some of you may have seen the article by WD8DSB in the latest issue of QST.
I believe WD8DSB is on this reflector.  His article describes a mini-flag
antenna that can be used for direction-finding.  The neat thing about this
antenna, besides its compact size, is that it is unidirectional and is very
broadband.  It works from the AM BCB through 10m.  It produces a sharp null
off the back which allows you to determine signal direction without the
direction ambiguity you get with a conventional unterminated loop.

DX Engineering is producing this antenna as a kit, along with a companion
preamp.  (Disclaimer:  I have no affiliation or commercial interest in DX
Engineering).  See:  https://www.dxengineering.com/parts/dxe-noiseloop.  I
just bought the flag kit last week and finished assembling it this past
weekend.  I see today that the kit is now back-ordered until April so it was
good that I ordered it as soon as I saw the QST article.  

It took me about 3 hours to assemble the mini-flag even though the DXE Web
site says it can be done in 1-2 hours.  There is a bit of fussy mechanical
assembly involved in getting the symmetry and dimensions just right,
although it's not hard work.  The flag is 42 inches wide and 21 inches tall.
The DXE version of the antenna has slightly smaller dimensions than those
given in the QST article, which results in a small reduction in gain, which
doesn't really matter, but the pattern is the same.

I did some testing of the mini-flag in the AM BCB.  The gain is very
low--about -65 dBi on 160m--so it needs a good preamp.  I used a homebrew
preamp made up of a couple of MMIC's that produce about 35 dB of gain.  The
DXE preamp for this antenna won't be available until April.  On the higher
frequencies, less preamp gain is needed because the gain of the mini-flag
increases with frequency.

My initial tests indicate this antenna clearly works.  By rotating the flag
for the deepest null, I could nail the heading an AM BCB station to a few

This antenna could also be used as directional receiving antenna on its own
Although it is not hugely directive, it can be rotated easily to peak or
null signals or noise, and it is better than a conventional unterminated
loop.  It has essentially the same RDF as other larger flag or pennant
antennas but is obviously far more compact.

This is a nice contribution by WD8DSB.  Now I have to go off with the
mini-flag and chase some local noise sources that have been plaguing me this
winter on the low bands.

73, John W1FV

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