Earlier this week Miriam (VY2NA/N1QV) and I had the pleasure of having a visit 
from Larry pace N7DD and Patti.  It was great fun chatting about contesting and 
Dx'ing on 160m for the better part of an afternoon and evening.
We did have some time to listen on 160m around VY2 sunset and Larry got to hear 
some great signals from OM5ZW, G3ZGC and CT1ILT under good band conditions.
It is always fun to hook up with 160m ops we may have worked over many, many 
years - just to catch up and remember 160m DxCitement from the past.
160m continues to have some real DX each evening out here - many Eu stations 
plus 5T5PA, VK, PY by way of example.
On the other end of the spectrum, 10M continues to play well into Europe - on 
28.074 using FT8.  
Looks like things are picking up as Fall approaches.

Jeff BriggsDXing on the Edge: The Thrill of 160 Meters Available worldwide 
through BookBaby, Array Solutions, DX Engineering, Radio Society of Great 
Britain, & Amazon

Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband Reflector

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