Hi Jack

We, the Danish Agency for Digitisation,  did a proof-of-concept earlier this 
year where we imported EA UML class diagrams into TopBraid as RDF/OWL.  Our 
plans are to use the result of the POC as a stepping stone for further 
refinements in Q1 2015.

We will be more than willing to share the code that we have now with anyone who 
would like to use it. We would also be interested in dialog with interested 

The original POC was developed with the help of David Norheim, Computas.

Let me know if you want a copy of the code from the POC and I'll dig it out 
from the workspace.

Peter Bruhn Andersen

On 13-11-2014 21:12, Jack Hodges wrote:
> I have a set of UML models created in Enterprise Architect that I'd like to 
> import into TBC. I have read the various statements here and in the help 
> files, etc. I have tried exporting from EA to most of its possible file types 
> using 'export model to XMI'. I tried 'export type' XMI 2.1 as well as UML 
> 2.4.1 (XMI 2.4.1), Ecore, UML 2.0 (XMI 2.1), and MOF 1.4 (XMI 1.2). The 
> question I have is: how do I convert the XMI file into the UML format TBC 
> requires to perform the import. The documentation doesn't spell this out at 
> least as far as I have been able to tell so far.

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