Re: [tor-bugs] #34142 [Metrics/Onionperf]: Integrate reprocessing mode into analysis mode

2020-05-12 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#34142: Integrate reprocessing mode into analysis mode
 Reporter:  karsten|  Owner:  karsten
 Type:  enhancement| Status:  closed
 Priority:  Medium |  Milestone:
Component:  Metrics/Onionperf  |Version:
 Severity:  Normal | Resolution:  implemented
 Keywords: |  Actual Points:  0.5
Parent ID: | Points:  1.0
 Reviewer:  acute  |Sponsor:  Sponsor59-must
Changes (by acute):

 * actualpoints:  0.4 => 0.5

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Re: [tor-bugs] #34142 [Metrics/Onionperf]: Integrate reprocessing mode into analysis mode

2020-05-12 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#34142: Integrate reprocessing mode into analysis mode
 Reporter:  karsten|  Owner:  karsten
 Type:  enhancement| Status:  closed
 Priority:  Medium |  Milestone:
Component:  Metrics/Onionperf  |Version:
 Severity:  Normal | Resolution:  implemented
 Keywords: |  Actual Points:  0.4
Parent ID: | Points:  1.0
 Reviewer:  acute  |Sponsor:  Sponsor59-must
Changes (by karsten):

 * status:  needs_review => closed
 * resolution:   => implemented
 * actualpoints:  0.3 => 0.4


 Great! Squashed the two commits into one and pushed to master. Closing.

 Can you add your actual points (with 480 minutes being 1.0 point) to mine?
 For example, I spent 195 minutes = 0.40625 points on this; if you spent 50
 minutes on this, that would be another 0.1 point, so 0.5 total.

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Re: [tor-bugs] #34142 [Metrics/Onionperf]: Integrate reprocessing mode into analysis mode

2020-05-12 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#34142: Integrate reprocessing mode into analysis mode
 Reporter:  karsten|  Owner:  karsten
 Type:  enhancement| Status:  needs_review
 Priority:  Medium |  Milestone:
Component:  Metrics/Onionperf  |Version:
 Severity:  Normal | Resolution:
 Keywords: |  Actual Points:  0.3
Parent ID: | Points:  1.0
 Reviewer:  acute  |Sponsor:  Sponsor59-must

Comment (by acute):

 Replying to [comment:6 karsten]:
 > Thanks for the review and the patch! I agree that we can make the
 analysis more flexible in the future, if we need it.
 > I rebased my patch to master (now that the Python 3 port is in),
 squashed your patch into mine, and fixed three unit tests. Can you take
 another final review of the last two
 commits ed5e056 and ceb83af in my task-34142-2 branch]?

 Looking great, I think this can now be merged/closed :)

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tor-bugs mailing list

Re: [tor-bugs] #34142 [Metrics/Onionperf]: Integrate reprocessing mode into analysis mode

2020-05-12 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#34142: Integrate reprocessing mode into analysis mode
 Reporter:  karsten|  Owner:  karsten
 Type:  enhancement| Status:  needs_review
 Priority:  Medium |  Milestone:
Component:  Metrics/Onionperf  |Version:
 Severity:  Normal | Resolution:
 Keywords: |  Actual Points:  0.3
Parent ID: | Points:  1.0
 Reviewer:  acute  |Sponsor:
Changes (by karsten):

 * reviewer:   => acute


 Thanks for the review and the patch! I agree that we can make the analysis
 more flexible in the future, if we need it.

 I rebased my patch to master (now that the Python 3 port is in), squashed
 your patch into mine, and fixed three unit tests. Can you take another
 final review of the last two
 commits ed5e056 and ceb83af in my task-34142-2 branch]?

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tor-bugs mailing list

Re: [tor-bugs] #34142 [Metrics/Onionperf]: Integrate reprocessing mode into analysis mode

2020-05-11 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#34142: Integrate reprocessing mode into analysis mode
 Reporter:  karsten|  Owner:  karsten
 Type:  enhancement| Status:  needs_review
 Priority:  Medium |  Milestone:
Component:  Metrics/Onionperf  |Version:
 Severity:  Normal | Resolution:
 Keywords: |  Actual Points:  0.3
Parent ID: | Points:  1.0
 Reviewer: |Sponsor:

Comment (by acute):

 Please find attached a patch to carry the -s and -t arguments to
 reprocessing. It contains changes on top of your patch.

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tor-bugs mailing list

Re: [tor-bugs] #34142 [Metrics/Onionperf]: Integrate reprocessing mode into analysis mode

2020-05-11 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#34142: Integrate reprocessing mode into analysis mode
 Reporter:  karsten|  Owner:  karsten
 Type:  enhancement| Status:  needs_review
 Priority:  Medium |  Milestone:
Component:  Metrics/Onionperf  |Version:
 Severity:  Normal | Resolution:
 Keywords: |  Actual Points:  0.3
Parent ID: | Points:  1.0
 Reviewer: |Sponsor:
Changes (by acute):

 * Attachment "0002-Integrate-reprocessing-mode-into-analysis-mode.patch"

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Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki 
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tor-bugs mailing list

Re: [tor-bugs] #34142 [Metrics/Onionperf]: Integrate reprocessing mode into analysis mode

2020-05-11 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#34142: Integrate reprocessing mode into analysis mode
 Reporter:  karsten|  Owner:  karsten
 Type:  enhancement| Status:  needs_review
 Priority:  Medium |  Milestone:
Component:  Metrics/Onionperf  |Version:
 Severity:  Normal | Resolution:
 Keywords: |  Actual Points:  0.3
Parent ID: | Points:  1.0
 Reviewer: |Sponsor:

Comment (by acute):

 At the moment reprocessing does not support -s and -t as options, like the
 analysis mode does. It would be very simple to change this in (although you could also change the interface help text to
 indicate the arguments are not supported). Here are the analyze arguments
 in question:

   -s, --do-simple-parse
 parse and export only summary statistics rather
 than full transfer/circuit/stream data (default:
   -t, --torperf export transfer data in Torperf format in addition
 to OnionPerf format (default: False)

 ...At the moment tpf files are exported by default when reprocessing.

 Other than that, this looks good and works as expected!
 I realize the assumption for reprocessing was that a user would always
 want to analyze all logs as pairs, perhaps in the future we could add
 support for analyzing directories of log files of a single type (if it is

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Re: [tor-bugs] #34142 [Metrics/Onionperf]: Integrate reprocessing mode into analysis mode

2020-05-11 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#34142: Integrate reprocessing mode into analysis mode
 Reporter:  karsten|  Owner:  karsten
 Type:  enhancement| Status:  needs_review
 Priority:  Medium |  Milestone:
Component:  Metrics/Onionperf  |Version:
 Severity:  Normal | Resolution:
 Keywords: |  Actual Points:  0.3
Parent ID: | Points:  1.0
 Reviewer: |Sponsor:
Changes (by karsten):

 * actualpoints:   => 0.3


 Spent 0.3 points on this so far.

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Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki 
The Tor Project: anonymity online
tor-bugs mailing list

Re: [tor-bugs] #34142 [Metrics/Onionperf]: Integrate reprocessing mode into analysis mode

2020-05-11 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#34142: Integrate reprocessing mode into analysis mode
 Reporter:  karsten|  Owner:  karsten
 Type:  enhancement| Status:  needs_review
 Priority:  Medium |  Milestone:
Component:  Metrics/Onionperf  |Version:
 Severity:  Normal | Resolution:
 Keywords: |  Actual Points:
Parent ID: | Points:  1.0
 Reviewer: |Sponsor:
Changes (by karsten):

 * status:  accepted => needs_review


 So, I started working on the user interface changes this morning and
 quickly realized that making the actual implementation changes at the same
 time would be trivial. That's why I changed both the user interface and
 the implementation.

 In short, I'm optimistic that it'll be as simple as accepting a directory
 (or file) in the `--tgen` and `--torctl` parameters where we only accept a
 single file right now. If the user passes one or two files there, we're
 running the analysis mode just as we do now. If the user passes two
 directories, we're running the reprocessing mode. The reprocessing
 subcommand will disappear.

 If we wanted, we could make the analysis mode more powerful by also
 accepting a mix of file and directory paths, in which case we would match
 whichever files contained in the directory have common dates with the
 given file. Or we could dump analysis files even if we don't find matching
 log files, just like we accept just a `--tgen` path or just a `--torctl`
 path right now. But I don't see how we'd need that functionality. My
 current patch above has the exact same functionality as right now, just
 with a shorter user interface. I'd say let's not add new functionality
 now, but save that for when we find out that we need it.

 Please review the attached commit (which I couldn't push to the Git
 server, because that is down right now). That commit is still based on
 Python 2, but I'm going to rebase it to our Python 3 branch once that's
 merged to master.

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Re: [tor-bugs] #34142 [Metrics/Onionperf]: Integrate reprocessing mode into analysis mode

2020-05-11 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#34142: Integrate reprocessing mode into analysis mode
 Reporter:  karsten|  Owner:  karsten
 Type:  enhancement| Status:  accepted
 Priority:  Medium |  Milestone:
Component:  Metrics/Onionperf  |Version:
 Severity:  Normal | Resolution:
 Keywords: |  Actual Points:
Parent ID: | Points:  1.0
 Reviewer: |Sponsor:
Changes (by karsten):

 * Attachment "0001-Integrate-reprocessing-mode-into-analysis-mode.patch"

Ticket URL: 
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki 
The Tor Project: anonymity online
tor-bugs mailing list

Re: [tor-bugs] #34142 [Metrics/Onionperf]: Integrate reprocessing mode into analysis mode

2020-05-11 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#34142: Integrate reprocessing mode into analysis mode
 Reporter:  karsten|  Owner:  karsten
 Type:  enhancement| Status:  accepted
 Priority:  Medium |  Milestone:
Component:  Metrics/Onionperf  |Version:
 Severity:  Normal | Resolution:
 Keywords: |  Actual Points:
Parent ID: | Points:  1.0
 Reviewer: |Sponsor:
Changes (by karsten):

 * status:  new => accepted
 * owner:  metrics-team => karsten


 I started working on this this morning.

Ticket URL: 
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki 
The Tor Project: anonymity online
tor-bugs mailing list

[tor-bugs] #34142 [Metrics/Onionperf]: Integrate reprocessing mode into analysis mode

2020-05-07 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#34142: Integrate reprocessing mode into analysis mode
 Reporter:  karsten|  Owner:  metrics-team
 Type:  enhancement| Status:  new
 Priority:  Medium |  Milestone:
Component:  Metrics/Onionperf  |Version:
 Severity:  Normal |   Keywords:
Actual Points: |  Parent ID:
   Points:  1.0|   Reviewer:
  Sponsor: |
 When we added the ''reprocess'' mode a while back, we should have tried
 harder to add that functionality as part of the existing ''analyze'' mode
 which does almost the same.

 Right now, the reprocessing module is a wrapper on top of the current
 analyze mode. It matches log files, has filtering capabilities, and multi-
 processes the jobs in a pool.

 Maybe it's as simple as accepting a directory where we accept a single
 file right now.

 First step here is to brainstorm possible user interface changes and
 discuss them here. Coding will be step two.

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